I chose this one since it was basing a char on UO lore story. *grins* Wasn't sure how I was to send it, so this is the best way I could think of. Now you see why I asked.

Though apparently couldn't send it through PM. (5000 char maximum. Who knew?)
Hidden Beginnings
“Ready or not, here I come!” a young girl’s voice rang out, echoing through the halls. Yasa stayed near the shadow, by the end table, trying not to giggle. She drew back her auburn hair, watching her sister from across the room.
“I will find you, “ Gabriella yelled, her blue eyes looking furtively for her sister. With a small grin, she looked towards the table. “Found you!” she yelled, staring into identical eyes, and reached out, tagging her. Yasamin stared at her sister and frowned.
“How? I hid really well!”
“Your eyes peek out.” Gabby pointed out and began giggling, watching her sister pout. Yasa’s disgruntled demeanor pleased her to no end.
“Alright, you two hooligans. Bedtime.” Colin Vedoun said, looking at his twin daughters. Both girls flashed the same pleading look, and began to beg to stay up a little longer. Colin smiled, and scooped up a girl in each arm, laughing.
“Bedtime, little ones. We have guest in our inn, and we don’t want to scare them off.” The girls both gave angelic smiles, and kissed his cheek. He gave a gruff chuckle, and carried them to their room, which overlooked Skara Brae’s ocean. He set each girl in their bed, tickling their stomach, then smiled, blowing out the candles. “Sweet dreams.”
The girls chorused back “Goodnight,” before snuggling down, going to sleep. Both slept blissfully unaware of the dangers that lurked outside their walls.
They crept out of the darkness, their body slowly moving through the town, taking over one building at a time. Their hisses to each other were unheard by the sleeping humans, as they came into each house, and room, slaughtering its residence with a quick slice of their weapons at hand. Others moved forward, securing the areas abound, leaving their message on the ground for all to see. They surrounded the healer’s hut, and viciously broke in, killing all inside, women, children, the infirm, but mostly, those able to help those they planned to destroy. They moved forward, surrounding the inn.
Gabriella and Yasamin lay sleeping inside, they knew nothing of the destruction outside. They slept quietly, their joyous dreams making them smile, unaware that the cook, who would sneak them tidbits of sweets when they came to visit, had just been savagely slain, her body now unrecognizable as human. They kept sleeping, unaware when the happy couple that came to visit their little town, were decapitated in one blow, at the same time. However, their eyes widened, when the couple down the hall, who had not gone to sleep, even at the late hours, gave a scream, waking all in the inn. The screams ended in a sudden silence, but the damage was done. Everyone was up, grabbing their weapons or spell books, running outside. Each was met with a sight unlike any they had ever seen. Ophidians, stronger and larger than those seen before awaited them, some hissing, some raising their weapons. Suddenly, the small hallway was awash with blood, fire, and screams. The patrons had no chance, clad only in their nightclothes, against the swinging halberds, the fires of spells, or the brutal strength coming from the snakes. Soon, the hall was silent, blood dripping from the charred walls, body’s strewn across the floor, and only one room unopened.
Inside, the two little girls had hidden, their olive skin blending with the shadows. Yasamin lay under a desk, the candles snuffed out and a few items placed in front. Gabriella hid behind a chair, her blue eyes closed. Neither of them moved, or barely breathed as the door broke, and a nest of snakes slowly entered into the room, their eyes looking for any sign of life. They slowly slithered by the bed, looking out the opened window. Yasa saw, and became thankful Gabi had done so. A small hissing sound came from the largest and the group turned, inching their way out the door. Yasamin heard a sound of relief come from the chair and watched, as the snakes all stopped. As one they turned to the chair. Yasamin watched in horror as they slowly approached it. The largest one lifted the chair, and found Gabriella, huddling in fear, her eyes now open to reveal her terror to the snake. His hand struck forward, grabbing her throat, and lifted her up. Yasamin watched as her sister’s feet flailed, her mouth open trying desperately to breathe. Yasamin could almost feel the hand crushing the tiny throat as they snake squeezed, crushing it. Yasamin covered her mouth, then closed her eyes to stay hidden, feeling her soul being ripped in two. From the door, a woman’s scream was heard.
The girl’s mother, Marie, screamed, seeing her baby dead on the floor. She began to run to her daughter, the blue eyes the girl’s inherited staring only at her baby, never seeing the sword that pierced her heart. With a slow gurgle, she fell forward, blood splattering the floor as she reached towards her daughter with her last breath. Colin came from behind, armed with a small spell book, and began to speak, his eyes never leaving the leader. Suddenly, the warrior was engulfed in flames trying herd to move after him. Colin spoke more, fireballs leaving his hand towards the warrior, healing himself as the other warriors tried to bring him down. With a last An Vas Flam, the leader fell, consumed by the heat, his body charred beyond recognition. The loss of their leader brought about a fury in the others, and they all aimed towards him, and as one, brought their weapons and spells down upon Colin’s head, finally killing him.
Yasamin watched it all in horror from behind the desk, her blue eyes barely open. She watched as the snakes left the room, slowly out of the inn, only to hear more screams coming from the healers next door. Yasamin stares at her parents body, her eyes now wide, unable to move, but safely hidden through out the night, as screams from the town echoed in her ears.