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Fey Leggings = Tonlet?

Bomb Bloke

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Yesterday I was hunting for gold at my favourite ML-monster spawn spot, when into my pack popped an arti. Fey Leggings.

Now, I already had a couple of these (can't even remember from where), but they were in the form of chain leggings. These turned up as a Tonlet.

I was shortly after called to join in a spawn, so I dumped the contents of my pack into the bank. When I returned (within an hour), the leggings had switched to chain.

Er, how often does this happen?

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
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Everytime I get them, they are a tonlet. Once I move them in my backpack (wether to another container or just around in my backpack) they change to the chainmail leggings. It would be neat if they had two seperate arts, like the Aegis of Grace though.

Stayin Alive,



Babbling Loonie
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For me, everytime I get the non chainmail version, it always gets changed to chainmail leggings within seconds.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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The Fey Leggings like the Crimson Cinture were both designed prior to release to be "elf only" so they Fey Leggings really "were" a Tonlet before... and the Crimson Cinture was a woodland belt.... but somewhere along the way all the human lovers cried "Foul!" and unlike the circlet/Ageis and the Robe of the whichever... they DO NOT come in two varieties.... they only spawn in one boring one.... personally and quite honestly I wish they would just do away with this Elf vs human malarky and just let me have the friggin woodland belt on whatever char I want to put the **** thing on......

all a bunch of non-sense.... The Cinture as an apron is just stupid... I mean yeah.... like what your char has to go "Oh wait! Can't leave home without my trusty apron!" You know when I played D&D you wore a Girdle? What happened to those???? You know in UO there "is" no Girdle... I guess no one in UO needs a belt... I always thought we should have some sort of "utility" style belt... that held "quick" items.... like bandages, potions, darts, throwing stars, things you "use" frequently..... reagents... But maybe that's just me.


Babbling Loonie
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I find myself agreeing with MalagAste.

I can understand some racial bonuses, but some of these requirements are absolutely annoying, especially when they make little sense and there is no human equivalent for many of the items that elves wear. Soon the same will be true of Gargoyles.

I want to be able to wear a loin-cloth too!

Anon McDougle

I think all items should have a gump that lets us change them i mean does it really matter if my jetser hat looks like a kasa or my kasa looks like an orc helm.of course i even think my soul seeker should be able to look like a mace !!

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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yea a utility belt would be nice, but the fel people and thieves would cry cuz itd most likely be insureable and would keep your bandies etc safe from looting. now if they made it so the belt was insurable but the contents would empty on death, then itd prolly fly. fyi, i love my ninja belt, just add some compartment for smoke bombs :p


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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yea a utility belt would be nice, but the fel people and thieves would cry cuz itd most likely be insureable and would keep your bandies etc safe from looting. now if they made it so the belt was insurable but the contents would empty on death, then itd prolly fly. fyi, i love my ninja belt, just add some compartment for smoke bombs :p
NO I think you can't insure any "bag" or "pouch" ... so like all of those it would be free for folk to loot "from" it... but not loot the entire belt... I was thinking it would be much like your backpack.... earring slot and all that.... a given for everyone.... just has like 6 or 8 "pockets".... so when a thief goes to snoop or steal he has to actual snoop and steal from each individual pouch...


I don't really mind each "race" having some minor artifacts and advantages now and then. I honestly can't see building a character JUST to wear something, and those that do probably would pay quite a bit for that bit of couture.

However, I do think there should be human-only items; specifically I think only humans should be able to wear plate, chain and ring. That would make the elf-only armors make more sense -- and I suspect that they were going in that direction but someone nixed the idea because they'd have to alter loot tables too much.

As for the cincture, well it should look like a belt or girdle, I'd say it should look like a tonlet perhaps.

Or just a feathered loin cloth with red eyes dyed into it :)

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Heh, this wasn't exactly where I saw this discussion going...

But since we're on the topic, for a while now I've been thinking it'd be cool if the robe slot got merged with the jacket slot, then we got given some "jacket" type items with mods.

This way, people would have a reason to go around without a robe on...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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I've always thought jacket or coat wearables would be nice. Some sort of duster or coat with epaulets (I think thats what they're called) would be a nice alternative to the robes we're stuck with.