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Few Issues With 2D Client


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Just wondering if anyone has ever had these issues and been able to resolve them...

All blood + blood tiles are bright green
Targeted monsters/players are now bright white
Targeted items on ground now disappear

Shows old houses overlapping new houses, noticed this when a house next to mine fell and someone placed, but is showing both of them *shrugs*

This just started a few days ago and is getting very annoying, is there anyway to clear a cache or history? I have tried everything but uninstalling/reinstalling.

I am having no other issues with any other programs so I know it is not a video driver/video card issue.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can provide some insight :eek:

- Deaol


I don't know if this helps or not but on this page:
There is the option to change the colour of blood or turn it off altogether.

Highlighted stuff being white sounds like that colour somehow got changed in the options menu... its in one of the tabs on the right, the default button might help though it might 'default' other settings that you didn't want changed.

Can you elaborate on the last one? All items or specific? For example does putting a runebook on the floor and targeting it cause it to dissapear?

House overlaps can usually be fixed by closing the client but you more than likely have already done that... Another option could be to log into another shard and go to the same spot with a bit of luck there might be a bigger house covering the glitch on your normal shard. (this will also cause a double house effect but should resolve when you restart)

As for the cause, did you do anything new or accidental in the options menu?


Stratics Veteran
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I will go through and check if anything has been changed (color highlight wise) but I am pretty sure I didn't change anything.

It seems that wherever a house has been placed (recently) I am getting a overlap of what was previously there. I noticed this as well in trinsic where a house once was and fell and now someone else has placed something smaller, but I can still see both houses (prior one under the new one)

Don't really know how else to explain it. I will log into another shard and see if that clears it.

Thanks for the response.


There IS a cache somewhere that you can manually delete in the UO folder. I remember a discussion on that some years ago, but I don't know exactly where but maybe someone can shed some light on that that messes with the files. In the mean time, there's a cache option in the menu. Perhaps try setting it to the minimum and restarting UO?


Stratics Veteran
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I have been able to fix the targeting issues, but the green blood/snow/icy patch tiles still appear green and houses are still over lapping each other.

Arg, yeah I searched high and low about the UO cache files and couldn't find much.. and I don't want to start randomly deleting things :D

Thanks for the reply though.


Phaen Grey

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I've had issues moving between shards when the house cache doesn't clean out and shows houses from separate shards overlapping, usually when I play on Test then go to my home shard. Cleaning out my computers temp files or rebooting usually clears it up.