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Feudal War (A New PvP Guild War Concept): Discussion Thread


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Feudal War (A New PvP Guild War Concept): Discussion Thread​

The Feudal War event concept has been posted up on the official Sonoma website (Link)

There is a scheduled “meeting” this month; July 11, 9pm ET: (Meet at the Royal Guards Hall in Serpents Hold). We will openly discuss the rules and implementation of the new concept at this event.

Feel free to use this thread for suggestions and input about the event. Should the EM’s feel the event is ready, it will be officially launched either in late July or early August.

Many are excited about this concepts potential, so show up, speak up and get ready for a Feudal War!

Orgional Farimir

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
To be bluntly honest i doubt I will be doing any HEAVY PvP until I see UO do mass bannings from people running 3rd party cheats. I will still be in Fel doing spawns, idocs, and all the other fun stuff.

Although I love the idea it will only take 2-3 people on either side running 3rd party cheats to kill the event for everyone, and to think that there could be a shard wide PvP war with out some people cheating is a complete illusion.

(and this post should be with in the ToS because I am not accusing anyone of running cheats.)

On a side note, If people have all of their PvP chars in factions are they going to be able to be involved?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Both of Sonoma's EM's will be watching the fighting during the Battle Events (and off and on during the random fighting also); those caught using cheats will be dealt with.

As for those who have characters already in "Factions", it would be suggested that they consider using another alternate character instead. However the choice would be up to them.

Remember, this is more than just “running and gunning PvP” there will be “missions and objectives” during the Battle Events. These events will not always be a “stand and butcher your enemies” fights, but may require team work, tactics and evasion.

Thanks for the input.

To be bluntly honest i doubt I will be doing any HEAVY PvP until I see UO do mass bannings from people running 3rd party cheats. I will still be in Fel doing spawns, idocs, and all the other fun stuff.

Although I love the idea it will only take 2-3 people on either side running 3rd party cheats to kill the event for everyone, and to think that there could be a shard wide PvP war with out some people cheating is a complete illusion.

(and this post should be with in the ToS because I am not accusing anyone of running cheats.)

On a side note, If people have all of their PvP chars in factions are they going to be able to be involved?


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Feudal War (A New PvP Guild War Concept): Discussion Thread​

The Feudal War event concept has been posted up on the official Sonoma website (Link)

There is a scheduled “meeting” this month; July 11, 9pm ET: (Meet at the Royal Guards Hall in Serpents Hold). We will openly discuss the rules and implementation of the new concept at this event.

Feel free to use this thread for suggestions and input about the event. Should the EM’s feel the event is ready, it will be officially launched either in late July or early August.

Many are excited about this concepts potential, so show up, speak up and get ready for a Feudal War!
that link goes no where