Monday 5th of December, from 8pm BST / 9pm CET at The Mystical Lute in Minoc, Felucca.
Felucca Rocks!
OOC Note:
Midas the Troubadour can be found in The Mystical Lute in Minoc, Felucca.
He is an oracle, so talk to him and see what he has to say. On the day of the event, at the announced time, he will tell you were to look for Fred Quicksilver. Go find him and try to beat him up! If you manage to kill him you may find the Sheetmusic Midas is after. When you do, take the music sheet and contact me. As a reward I can only offer bragging rights, but the bragging is quite good! Stanley The Braggart, placed at Yew Gate, will pronounce your greatness whenever your name is spoken!
Felucca Rocks!
Midas The Troubadour strummed his lute and sang to himself. "Tonight we're going to party like it's 2014..."
"This song stinks!" Angry, Midas crumpled up the sheetmusic from which he'd been reading and tossed it aside. "I need something catchy, something that will really rock the house at my New Years Concert!"
"Curse this writers block!" Midas paced back and forth through the empty theatre. "Well, if I can't write it myself I will just have to use different means."
Midas grinned. "Yes, I think Fred Quicksilver has just the song I need. I just have to find somebody to get it for me..."
Midas grinned. "Yes, I think Fred Quicksilver has just the song I need. I just have to find somebody to get it for me..."
OOC Note:
Midas the Troubadour can be found in The Mystical Lute in Minoc, Felucca.
He is an oracle, so talk to him and see what he has to say. On the day of the event, at the announced time, he will tell you were to look for Fred Quicksilver. Go find him and try to beat him up! If you manage to kill him you may find the Sheetmusic Midas is after. When you do, take the music sheet and contact me. As a reward I can only offer bragging rights, but the bragging is quite good! Stanley The Braggart, placed at Yew Gate, will pronounce your greatness whenever your name is spoken!