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Felluca Mib Fishing


Lore Keeper
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I have done a couple hundred mibs recently, evenly divided between Felluca and Trammel. I saw absolutely no difference in gold, treasure or ingredient drops. Is this simply the rng or is it a fact that there is no difference in loot?


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There's only 1 difference I can think of, and that due to Stygian Abyss there are some SOS that can only be fished up in Fel.

It's possible that the refinements have a slightly better drop table, but who can tell with the game's RNG.


Lore Keeper
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There's only 1 difference I can think of, and that due to Stygian Abyss there are some SOS that can only be fished up in Fel.

It's possible that the refinements have a slightly better drop table, but who can tell with the game's RNG.
Where are the Fel only sos bottles found? I have never seen one. Are they found somewhere in the abyss?


UO Forum Moderator
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The Landmass of Fire Island differs between facet (Trammel has the volcano with the abyss entrance and the casino).

MIBs uncorked into SOS still occasionally end up with coordinates occupied by the Volcano on the Trammel side.


Slightly Crazed
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Where are the Fel only sos bottles found? I have never seen one. Are they found somewhere in the abyss?
Actually you can decide where to fish up your sos messages. They work for trammel and fel. Unless you get one of those, which Basara mentioned in the vulcano area of trammel.


Lore Keeper
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OK, thanks. I was thinking there were sos bottles that were Fel only, but really they are the same as all Mibs, just that you cannot get to some of them because the volcano covers the location in Trammel, and you are forced to fish them up in the corresponding spot in Fel. I fish almost all my bottles is Fel, because of the added chance I will be scuttled, pillaged, and belittled. Hasn't happened yet, but great times lol. I used to have a fisherman on Siege and had a great time. It was lucrative in the day because I was able to make money which was in short supply, let me tell you. I often wonder if it is still like that over there, but do not have the time to develop another character. Apologies for changing the subject on my own darned thread lol!


UO Legend
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Stratics Legend
If I remember correctly loot is the same Tram / Fel, but fel has higher drop chance for any of the special items.

Lord Lew

Lore Keeper
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If I remember correctly loot is the same Tram / Fel, but fel has higher drop chance for any of the special items.
I know hey say this, but I have done several hundred on both facets and find no difference in the loot. Only difference is the chance to be raided, and even that is a semi myth. I've only seen one boat since the refinements went active.

Where are the player pirates of Atlantic, show yourselves!!