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Felluca Looting Rights

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was doing a spawn and a rat man looted my body of everything I own and I could not loot my stuff back because a guildy had killed it. I have to "earn the rights to loot something" in fell? Yeah, just something from Tram that has leaked into Fell that is all.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This isnt accurate. You must have been trying to loot the wrong ratman, because even if you dont kill it, if a monster looted from you, you have access to a corpse "packet" that includes the items that were looted from you.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Instanced corpses should have NEVER been added to Fel. Going grey during the initial 2 minutes sure, but instanced, NO.

And I say this as a player that only goes to Fel in a very limited manner and not to PvP/PvE. Still it's a rule from Tram that doesn't belong in Fel (or Siege for that matter).


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This isnt accurate. You must have been trying to loot the wrong ratman, because even if you dont kill it, if a monster looted from you, you have access to a corpse "packet" that includes the items that were looted from you.
This does not works sometimes.
Also if multiple corpses are on a stack, it is a pain to access the proper one until they are decayed under the spawn rules.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This does not works sometimes.
Also if multiple corpses are on a stack, it is a pain to access the proper one until they are decayed under the spawn rules.
I have personally never had it not work, but I do know that the higher decay rate in spawn areas can sometimes really be a pain. I have heard (and shouted!) more than once in vent someone saying "DONT KILL KITIKI, HE HAS MY ITEMS!" I would be really nice if the corpses of critters that have looted would stick around longer.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have 2 gripes regarding this issue.

1. In Felucca if I want to loot someone elses corpse... I should be allowed to. If it is someone elses corpse I should get the message (you are about to perform a criminal action) and if I choose to loot it... I should go grey.

2. Spawn at champ spawns decay waaaayyyy to freaking fast, like literally in matter of seconds. If I die and my guildie res's me AFTER killing the spawn, I have almost no chance to recover my items as they disappear.

On siege, this is exasperated because there is no insurance (which we enjoy) but it makes it even more annoying because they loot not only regs but armor pieces and so forth.

Devs, please fix it by turning Felucca back into... Felucca.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think black rain had a good point they do decay far to fast many times i have lost the stuff i wanted to get back mainly sot's that were looted off me only to go back the the spot to find my friend screwed me out of them by killing the things before i got a rez. I would like to see any time a monster loots a player the corpse of said monster will not decay untill either the normal corpse decay of the player would have happened or the items were recovered either by the player or some greedy bugger who loots it once the corpse go's open to all.


Think it would be cool to treat the items as stolen. Thus when the creature is slain all loot is returned.. The issue would be.. if the looter is slain while the looted person is still dead. Where would these items go then.. Maybe pushed back on the corpse?

Dor of Sonoma

I was doing a spawn and a rat man looted my body of everything I own and I could not loot my stuff back because a guildy had killed it. I have to "earn the rights to loot something" in fell? Yeah, just something from Tram that has leaked into Fell that is all.
Instanced corpses have never had a valid place in Felucca - and never will.

I remember how hard we fought to keep that change out of Fel...*sigh*

Maybe someday, someone will see the light and remove the Trammelized aspects of Felucca. One can only hope...


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Instanced corpses should have NEVER been added to Fel. Going grey during the initial 2 minutes sure, but instanced, NO.

And I say this as a player that goes to Fel for the majority of my PvE and resource gathering.