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Fellow Tamers: Looking For Advice


Fellow Tamers! It is certainly good to come back to Ultima after being away for many years. I have been enjoying the new systems, particularly animal training and am now seeking help. I've read multiple guides and have a good idea of how everything works. That said, I still have much to learn so please help me with the following:

1) I am looking to have a pet that focuses on Champion Spawns. I was thinking the Reptalon, he is rideable and has access to AOE moves, but am unsure. What pets out of the following list of pets would you recommend? Additionally, how exactly would you train said pet?

2) Also looking at having a pet that focuses on peerless bosses. What would you recommend out of the following list of pets? Additionally, how would you train said pet?

3) Lastly, a PVP pet. I am a Bard Tamer. Naturally I do not excel at PVP. That said, I have a few friends that I run with and occasionally we get into scuffles in Fel. What are some pets that excel at fighting other players? How exactly would you train said pets?

4) Do pets lose their pack instincts when trained? I wanted to have a pack of wolves or hellhounds with 1 being a "Tank", but not sure if that is possible without testing it myself?

Reptalon: I found a 2 slot reptalon that I have been working on.
Sabre-Tooth Tiger: I love that my Sabre-tooth has healing on him.
Lion/Tiger- I like the looks of both of these animals and would be willing to use them.
Najasaurus- I HATE the way these things look for my character, but recognize that they seem VERY strong and would have its use against certain bosses etc.
Raptor- Unsure of the strength of this pet.
Hellhound/Direwolves- I like the looks of both of these animals and would be willing to use them.

If anyone would like to offer advice based on my build I am a Bard/tamer

animal taming
animal lore
provo/peace- I change these out depending on what I'm fighting

Thank you for all who take the time out to reply and offer advice!