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Fel IDOC Today

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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was anyone at the IDOC in the Jungle West of trinsic today? Our timer was off and apparently the house fell while we were out running errands and we dint catch it in time. In any case if anyone was there when a house owned by pepsi fell I will offer real life money or gold for the return of any items. A few of them were persoanl and priceless. Please icq me at 244-373-602 if you have any information.


real life money sounsd good, how much you paying?

irony is you pay someone 50 bucks for items lost, but cant pay the 13 bucks to activate the account ?


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Player to player transactions selling in game virtual items for real life currency are prohibited from being promoted or advertised on our network.

Just saying...
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