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February 17th to April 7th and STILL no update???

  • Thread starter DHMagicMan_1
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Where are the 11th Year Collection Codes? When will they be available? When is someone at EA/Mythic going to do something (anything) about this fiasco?



Just hold your horses ... in 5-6 months, the 12th Anny is coming and MAYBE stuff will be gotten right from the get-go. Then again, we are talking about EA. Sowwee.


Yes, Rico, we know you don't care... but anyone time you can't deliver a product that ALREADY EXISTS (on the Japanese shards) so production isn't an issue, within 5 months of a scheduled delivery date and are utterly failing to communicate with your clients/customers... I would call that a FIASCO!

Now go troll in another thread. Thanks.


Going to start a thread about the 11th anniversary gifts too?


Going to start a thread about the 11th anniversary gifts too?
No, because I don't actually think there are any... if there will be any given out they will probably be relabeled cakes or wine glasses that I won't care about.


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Stratics Legend
Yes, Rico, we know you don't care... but anyone time you can't deliver a product that ALREADY EXISTS (on the Japanese shards) so production isn't an issue, within 5 months of a scheduled delivery date and are utterly failing to communicate with your clients/customers... I would call that a FIASCO!
Don't suppose they have anything they have prioritized a little higher on their plates?




Don't suppose they have anything they have prioritized a little higher on their plates?


Since we KNOW that the items already exist (Japanese Shards) and we know that they have systems in place to produce TOKENS for various uses... this entire FIASCO should require very little (if any) development effort at all. SA, on the other hand, is currently being developed and taking up development effort as they should...

Now if some people (Rico) believe that there aren't people who work on the UO Team who aren't developers, they might believe that spending time on A would mean less time for B... but that's really not the case... it's different people's time so one has little or nothing to do with the other.

Thanks for playing, Rico, now go away!

Flora Green

No, because I don't actually think there are any... if there will be any given out they will probably be relabeled cakes or wine glasses that I won't care about.
This. The communication sucks. It has for two years, it's not getting better and I no longer care. It's just pixel crack and unimportant to the gameplay. The only way an impact will be made is to cancel accounts.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Don't suppose they have anything they have prioritized a little higher on their plates?


Since we KNOW that the items already exist (Japanese Shards) and we know that they have systems in place to produce TOKENS for various uses... this entire FIASCO should require very little (if any) development effort at all. SA, on the other hand, is currently being developed and taking up development effort as they should...

Now if some people (Rico) believe that there aren't people who work on the UO Team who aren't developers, they might believe that spending time on A would mean less time for B... but that's really not the case... it's different people's time so one has little or nothing to do with the other.

Thanks for playing, Rico, now go away!
So you've gotten a glimpse at the employee records for EA/Mythic and know that there are people to do as you please, and they are just ignoring you to tick you off? ROFL. Either quit, or go back to playing the game. The pixels may or may not come...they'll let you know when they feel the time is right...la

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

The only way an impact will be made is to cancel accounts.
The only impact that will have is to make EA shift resources to other projects and bring UO one step closer to death.

We all need to accept the fact that we are becoming less and less important to EA, and that we don't have much time left.

Take a step back everyone. There is a big, remarkable, and beautiful world that we get to live in for short time. Soon enough, it will be gone. These items are not that important. I just wish they would be honest with us.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Don't suppose they have anything they have prioritized a little higher on their plates?


Rico why dont you shut up and not respond to 11th anniv posts? We all already know you don't care and your posts are always useless in these kind of threads.


Seasoned Veteran
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I was wondering if anyone knows of a way for us to buy them from the asian website? If possible, I will just buy what I want from there.



I was wondering if anyone knows of a way for us to buy them from the asian website? If possible, I will just buy what I want from there.

I don't think you can unless you have a credit card that has a billing address which bills in Japan... They won't let us use American cards/addresses.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only impact that will have is to make EA shift resources to other projects and bring UO one step closer to death.

We all need to accept the fact that we are becoming less and less important to EA, and that we don't have much time left.

Take a step back everyone. There is a big, remarkable, and beautiful world that we get to live in for short time. Soon enough, it will be gone. These items are not that important. I just wish they would be honest with us.
If UO were any less important to EA we'd be moving backwards, at least that would be a warning eh?


I have to agree. I'm frustrated with the lack of communication, except of course if you want to discuss a client that doesn't exist, except in lore.. S/A.. they've been talking about it for what.... 2, 3 years now? I'm sick of hearing about it all the time when they can't even get to us what already exists. Five on Friday, threads on Stratics.. I'm bloody sick of it! There will be plenty of time to discuss how things may or may not work in a new client, when and if it actually comes out.

I've suggested before, and I say it again.. any account with 11th anniversary token items on a non-asian shard, should be banned.. immediately and forthwith. If they can't supply it to all their shards, then anyone who has them on a shard which hasn't been enabled is getting an unfair advantage in the game... period. Anytime someone can get items in game that others can't, has a decided advantage... whether it be deco, speedhacking, scripting, or duping.