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[Discussion] Favorite way to sell/buy?

Favorite way to buy/sell your Rares?

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Long Live The Players
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Just wondering what everyone's favorite method of buying/selling Rares is.

Ive done everything except an in game live auction, just looking for some input as to how you guys would prefer to buy or sell.



Stratics Legend
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I really like the in game live auctions myself. I'd like to see one with items you would more likely find in a silent auction house (higher value stuff).

Maybe a couple of floors with the items out to view and a book with any extra information and reserve etc. Then the items are auctioned off.

I like the silent auctions but I remember one of the recent ones where someone bid item the items and never paid. This kinda sucks and these kind of auctions are never as much fun as a real time auction.

I'd love to see more auctions aimed towards weapons and armour, PvP gear etc with the new loot publish coming up I think it could work pretty well.


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I used to run an auction house and when we had more than one on Origin I would often go to the other and bid.

I look forward, now that I have a house on Atlantic, to attending some of the auctions there and buying items I want that way.


Lore Keeper
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You missed one option, Online Acution a'la old uo-auction.com .

Manual actions like stratics are fun but GREATLY annoying.
However, out of the opitions provided here, i go with Stratics Auction.


Babbling Loonie
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I loved the consignment auction - i just wish a timer had been put on the items - say if no bid matches the minimum within a 2 week period, it get's changed out (that makes for more work to keep up with it, but keeps it fresh)

Captn Norrington

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I prefer live auctions, silent auctions, and general chat spamming. My least favorite is vendors. I like to have personal interactions with people while buying/selling things, If it's a friend we can chat for a while and catch up, if it's a stranger we can chat about whatever, and possibly become friends :) It's a bit ironic I don't like vendors considering I live in Luna....but I just don't like the idea of paying huge vendor fees to hope something sells.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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Although I might be biased, I obviously prefer in game silent auctions only if you trust the host. Many times I feel if you win your auction item in a trusted silent auction, you are paying very close to what that item is truly worth. Of course there are exceptions with any method you participate in. In silent auctions in particular, I have witnessed items sell for less than what I believe them to be worth, this could be due to lack of knowledge about the item, or lack of attendance for that particular auction. Likewise I have witnessed items sell way above what I believed them to be worth, and I can almost always attribute this to an egotistical bidding war or a niche collector desperately impatient to add to or complete their collections. I definitely fall into this latter category against my better judgement.

Regarding other auction methods, I just find them more susceptible to corruption even if you have a trusted host with the very best of intentions. There are too many unknown variables whereas the silent auction offers a more controlled environment. Not saying errors or shenanigans don't occur, but even so most of them can be easily rectified with no harm nor foul.

Regarding other buying and selling methods, they are too arbitrary and require legendary negotiation skills, which if you lack the patience for, can cause you more ire than good.

Regardless what method you choose, its always best to ask an expert for their estimates on what an item may be worth, and when it doubt, don't hesitate to call on a broker to facilitate your trades.

Captn Norrington

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Regarding other auction methods, I just find them more susceptible to corruption even if you have a trusted host with the very best of intentions. There are too many unknown variables whereas the silent auction offers a more controlled environment. Not saying errors or shenanigans don't occur, but even so most of them can be easily rectified with no harm nor foul.
Couldn't the owner of the item submitted to the silent auction house bid their own item up? Then even if they have the winning bid, when they don't show up the host would take the 2nd highest bid from the real person who wanted it. The owner would recieve a much higher price for their item, the auctioneer would recieve a larger commision regardless of whether they knew about the cheating or not, and the person who pays for the item would never know they had been manipulated. The item's owner could even use a trial account to bid, that way if the host bans them it doesn't hurt them at all. It seems like silent auctions are just as susceptible to corruption as the other types to me.

Not accusing anyone of anything of course, just a hypothetical scenario. In live auctions at least everyone can see the person who's bidding, in silent auctions the fake bidder could just stay hidden the whole time.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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Regarding other auction methods, I just find them more susceptible to corruption even if you have a trusted host with the very best of intentions. There are too many unknown variables whereas the silent auction offers a more controlled environment. Not saying errors or shenanigans don't occur, but even so most of them can be easily rectified with no harm nor foul.
Couldn't the owner of the item submitted to the silent auction house bid their own item up? Then even if they have the winning bid, when they don't show up the host would take the 2nd highest bid from the real person who wanted it. The owner would recieve a much higher price for their item, the auctioneer would recieve a larger commision regardless of whether they knew about the cheating or not, and the person who pays for the item would never know they had been manipulated. The item's owner could even use a trial account to bid, that way if the host bans them it doesn't hurt them at all. It seems like silent auctions are just as susceptible to corruption as the other types to me. Not accusing anyone of anything of course, just a hypothetical scenario. In live auctions at least everyone can see the person who's bidding, in silent auctions the fake bidder could just stay hidden the whole time.
This is a very astute and accurate observation that I share and have personally witnessed as a Rares Festival Host and bidder, but never have I ever experienced this in my own personal silent auctions. This is because Rares Festivals have many sellers and buyers (well over 40 each) and over 100 item lots up for auction. I believe I was lucky during the Atlantic 2013 and Europa 2013 rares festivals. However I caught players attempting to do exactly what you are pointing out during the Pacific 2013 + Atlantic 2014 Rares Festival. As a Host I did my best to police these attempts, and I will be the first to admit that I didn't catch everyone at the Pacific festival which was the first time this occurred. It was also the largest silent auction in history with 3 houses. However learning from my mistakes, suffering some embarrassment, I was able to prevent these manipulative practices in the last Atlantic Rares Festival, which I made public and transparent.

Again if you trust the silent auctioneer, I know from personal experience that all corruption can be avoided because I am only selling 24 lots from 1 - 3 players, I know who they are, and most importantly I know all the buyers. Perhaps this is because the majority are frequent customers, and I can quickly root out fake bidders and ban them from my house, which I did with regularity, and without any harm to the auction. Yes some bidders might be invisible, but this does not matter as long as they leave their ICQ on the bulletin, and I speak to them. I am proud that my system in my own personal silent auctions in my own home is beyond reproach. Any of my sellers and buyers can attest to this fact. I cannot recall a single unhappy bidder or seller.

Respectfully, at live auctions, no matter how impeccable the auctioneer's reputation is, I still have known players to brag how they bid up their items on alts or had their friends, and paid for them if they won. I know a famous troll who did this shameless and frequently. I have witnessed it too many times first hand, and its why I avoid them. Its sad, because I was a regular customer of some of the earliest live auctions, but as a trusted broker, I often hear after the fact some of the dirty scams players employ, and sadly they love to target live auctions.

Even with this being said, if a player really wants an item, regardless what auction its held in, regardless how safe, or accurate the bidding is, players will pay what they must if they have to have the item in that auction, especially when its hard to attain that item anywhere else. Plenty of items still go for cheap at live auctions. I am certain not every single item is manipulated, its probably done on less than 10% of auctions items put up at any given auction.

Again, no system is perfect, and without flaws, not yet anyways. I think an in game auction system could be employed in UO, particularly now that the vendor search system has been implemented. If given the time and resources, I don't think its out of the realm of possibility.
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