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Favorite Books


Firefall Moderator | LotRO Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everyone has them, I managed to acquire another for my growing set today....

The one on the far left, is the Prequel novel "A New Spring", to Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. I found it in a Second Hand store for $2.00 Had to get it as it rounds out my First Edition Print set that is taking up the rest of the shelf there.

So what books or Series are you guys into?, and what books or setting would you love to see transition into the world of MMO's?


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Our townhome has a third bedroom that we use as a library. Separate sections for fiction, non-fiction, cooking, spirituality, magazines.

I also like the Robert Jordan series, though I haven't finished it. My favorite fiction series is probably Harry Potter. Also like the recent Joe Abercrombie books. Of course, we also love all the classics, from Homer, to Voltaire, to Dickens, to Tolkien.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One of my favourite books could make a hell of a game - 1920's Moscow visited by Satan himself and his crew (Mikhail Bulghakov's "Margaret & Master"). As far as fantasy goes I prefer Silmarillion over LoTR and Hobbit and I loved Dune, but that's about it.
My bookshelves are filled with dictionaries, non-fiction, history, esoterica, templars and freemasons plus religions, symbols and history of art.