I think it's the nature of the game. People are going to play UO the way they want to play UO, and are going to enjoy the activities they are going to enjoy. One of the most enjoyable features of the game is building a virtual collection to display in your virtual home. So fundamental was that concept that it spawned Lord British's Ultimate Collector Facebook game, that was actually a total blast. I had a sweet meteorite collection, and my virtual animation cel collection mimic'd the one I have in real life. Of course that's not for everyone, and people will come and go. The best we can do is try and provide a little something for everyone whenever we can.Lol Kyronix, your my favorite Dev by far, but i think that comment basically sums up just about all the reasons players finally get fed up and leave. you have to admit, theres a (now small because most left over the past years) portion of the playerbase who sees boosters, dyes, deco, gifts, plants, bascially anything you can do with no keyboard and not die as total trash and so far from the original idea of UO that yes, Lord British would turn over in his grave!![]()