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Farewell Pac


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As of today, my account is now in the hands of another. Whatever Cookie Monster, Amaterasu, Rainbow Bright and The Hamburglar does has nothing to do with me. But I'm pretty positive they'll be staying out of trouble. =]

UO has left me with so many wonderful memories and great friends I'll keep even after playing. Thank you to everyone that has helped me or played with me. Right now, I financially can not afford to play and I'm looking for other games as I've just moved on from UO. Hopefully it will be around for much longer for those of you who still enjoy it. Maybe I'll be back some day and start over fresh if UO catches my interest again.

Best wishes to everyone.



Bye Beefy :bored:

Hopefully we will see you again, and surely we will see you on the forums at least.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
but you killed me a couple times when you were in kozi that should of at least made you want to play uo for the next ten years.. :next::talktothehand::sad3::sad3::sad3:

just for the record you were a guy right ? lol

there was alot of people on easter sunday sorry you missed out
have fun on wow or xbox or ps3 or whateeva none of em compare to uo


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No Silverbow... No.
I was not a dude. But if it makes you feel better that a dude instead of a 21 year old girl pwned you on a 250 ping connection from Korea, it's okay. You can keep thinking like that.:heart:
Right now, several UO'ers are playing LoL and we're having lots of fun. That's what I spend most of my gaming time doing.