Do I have to purchase the Enhanced client in order to use the expansion?
We can understand this confusion as in the original announcement of the Stygian Abyss expansion (over 3 years ago) we did say that the new client was the only way to get the expansion content. After, a lot of research and feedback from all of our players we decided to make the expansion available in the Classic Client (2D) as well.
The clients themselves (Classic and Enhanced) are FREE to use regardless of what expansion is enabled on an individual player’s account.
I've heard the terms Enhanced 2d Client, 3D Client, Special 2d client, and Enhanced Client. How many clients are there for UO?
Currently we only have the following:
Has the NDA been lifted? Can I spill the Beans?!?!
Yes the NDA has been lifted and you can spill the beans. Since the content is available for everyone you can talk about it freely. You may want to put a spoiler tag on just in case someone didn't want to hear any spoilers.
How do I get to the Stygian Abyss Areas?
There are special gates in New Haven that will allow players to access the Stygian Abyss areas. If you create a Gargoyle you will start in Ter Mur and have instant access to the new areas. And if you are a brave soul, you might try to traverse the underworld dungeon that leads from the old lands to the Stygian Abyss.
If I place a house on Retribution will I lose my house on my home shard?
You will not lose your house on your home shard. However, if you have placed a house on TC1 this house will be condemned.
I can’t log into retribution what’s happening?
Most likely you are using the live version of the Classic Client (2D). In order to gain access to retribution you will need to use the Enhanced Client or download a special version of the Classic Client HERE. The Kingdom Reborn client is not able to connect to Retribution.
I've downloaded and installed the "Special Classic Client" but I don't see it in my EA folder. Where is it?
You are probably using vista, it's in Start Menu->Programs->Games
Will I be able to use the "Special Classic Client" once Stygian Abyss Launches?
No, as this client is only able to grant access to Retribution. Your current Classic Client will patch up with the new Content.
What's the difference between Client and Content?
Client: What you use to get into the game
This includes the User interface, macros, game settings, chat, paperdoll, ect...
Content: Everything in the game.
This includes Quests, champspawns, facets, cities, NPCs, Housing, Crafting, PvM, PvP, ect..
Will the expansion be digital distribution only?
Yes. At this time the expansion and the client will be through digital distribution only.
How do I report a bug or provide feedback?
The best way to report a bug is through the Enhanced Client bug report feature. If you are using the Classic Client you are welcome to email [email protected] with the following information:
This list will be updated regularly.
We can understand this confusion as in the original announcement of the Stygian Abyss expansion (over 3 years ago) we did say that the new client was the only way to get the expansion content. After, a lot of research and feedback from all of our players we decided to make the expansion available in the Classic Client (2D) as well.
The clients themselves (Classic and Enhanced) are FREE to use regardless of what expansion is enabled on an individual player’s account.
I've heard the terms Enhanced 2d Client, 3D Client, Special 2d client, and Enhanced Client. How many clients are there for UO?
Currently we only have the following:
- Classic Client (formerly 2D)
- Enhanced Client (formerly SA Client and still in Beta)
- Kingdom Reborn
Has the NDA been lifted? Can I spill the Beans?!?!
Yes the NDA has been lifted and you can spill the beans. Since the content is available for everyone you can talk about it freely. You may want to put a spoiler tag on just in case someone didn't want to hear any spoilers.
How do I get to the Stygian Abyss Areas?
There are special gates in New Haven that will allow players to access the Stygian Abyss areas. If you create a Gargoyle you will start in Ter Mur and have instant access to the new areas. And if you are a brave soul, you might try to traverse the underworld dungeon that leads from the old lands to the Stygian Abyss.
If I place a house on Retribution will I lose my house on my home shard?
You will not lose your house on your home shard. However, if you have placed a house on TC1 this house will be condemned.
I can’t log into retribution what’s happening?
Most likely you are using the live version of the Classic Client (2D). In order to gain access to retribution you will need to use the Enhanced Client or download a special version of the Classic Client HERE. The Kingdom Reborn client is not able to connect to Retribution.
I've downloaded and installed the "Special Classic Client" but I don't see it in my EA folder. Where is it?
You are probably using vista, it's in Start Menu->Programs->Games
Will I be able to use the "Special Classic Client" once Stygian Abyss Launches?
No, as this client is only able to grant access to Retribution. Your current Classic Client will patch up with the new Content.
What's the difference between Client and Content?
Client: What you use to get into the game
This includes the User interface, macros, game settings, chat, paperdoll, ect...
Content: Everything in the game.
This includes Quests, champspawns, facets, cities, NPCs, Housing, Crafting, PvM, PvP, ect..
Will the expansion be digital distribution only?
Yes. At this time the expansion and the client will be through digital distribution only.
How do I report a bug or provide feedback?
The best way to report a bug is through the Enhanced Client bug report feature. If you are using the Classic Client you are welcome to email [email protected] with the following information:
- Your UO account name (do not include your password)
- The time, date, shard, and facet of the occurrence
- What steps you took that led up to the bug
- Whether or not you tried to repeat the bug, and if you succeeded
This list will be updated regularly.