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Family/House names


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I tried to add this to UO Forum post by Pawain but I kept getting the comment "you do not have permission to do that" so I will post hereinstead.
I was hoping there was a back story for each clan/family/house that would give a vey small advantage to anyone belonging to that House. Using poster's GoT reference, something like: Lannisters would have a 5% discount on all NPC purchase, Starks would get 5% Eat Cold damage, Targaryen kin would get get 5% Eat Fire Damage, etc. Nothing earth shattering but a history and something like the town loyalty bonus in regular shards would help flesh out a new character and their Legacy. IMO this new shard will be largely a group effort with a healthy dash of roleplay. Your standard hack-n-slash game style would prove boring after the first week.