<div style="text-align: center"><img src="http://www.stratics.com/files/u4/hoc_fe01.gif" width="400" height="120" /></div><br /><p>A reminder that the third House of Commons chat with the Fallen Earth team will be held today, Thursday February 12th 2009 in the #straticshoc channel on Stratics IRC at 6:00 pm Pacific/9:00 pm Eastern.</p><p>The chat topic will be anything goes with Fallen Earth. There will be plenty of Devs on hand for this chat: Alec Masters, RandomTask, Funslayer, Dst3d, Circatrix, Tiggs, Morgana and Quisno. After the chat some Devs will join the channel #fallenearth on Stratics network to get to know the participants.</p><p>You can connect to one of Stratics IRC servers through the use of your favorite IRC client, such as mIRC, ircle, xchat, trillian or whichever you prefer. Connect to irc.stratics.com port 6668 or whichever server is closest to you:</p><ul> <li>irc.frws.com - USA - Colorado</li><li>irc.epaxsys.net - USA - Colorado</li><li>stratics.afraidyet.net - USA - Georgia</li><li>irc.glowfish.de - EU - Germany</li></ul>You may also connect through the <a href="http://chat.stratics.com/content/java/HoC" target="_blank">Stratics Java link.</a> You must have Java installed to use this which can be downloaded from the <a href="http://www.java.com/en/index.jsp" target="_blank">Java homepage</a>.We'll see you there!<br /><p> </p>