Right now the sigil timers and the process for taking towns are unchanged. Updates to town conquest are on the radar for the future, not this initial Factions update.Are there any other changes in this? Such as sigil times, silver, stat loss, anything but the point system, names, and bases?
The moongate link to Ter Mur has been activated.No ter mur on faction?
The intent of the design is for score to rate players on the same scale regardless of whether they play a lot or a little. In other words, someone who plays eight hours a day but sucks would have a lower score than someone who plays 1 hour a week but owns. The low-score guy wouldn't be able to attain high rank because of low score, but the high-score guy wouldn't be able to attain high rank because of low participation.I fear this may be tough on semi-casual players like me. I may be as good in PvP as I might, someone who spends all his time in fel faction fighting will be a higher rank than me, even if I'm the better PvPer and would be able to kill him 9 out of 10 times.
Not sure if I like this...
I think this would be an appropriate change to make. However, I'd like more feedback on it before making a final decision.Before going live, is it possible to take a look at the silver prices on Siege? Since its now harder to obtain said items, can we get a reduction in silver prices to that of normal production servers?
I don't understand how you are defending without fighting people. Are you just kind of watching out for someone and if they come telling the people in your guild to come help?I'm a trammy that is a base defender guarding sigils not a pvper
I'm really confused on how you think you are going to keep the current faction players, and double that number by going the way your going with factions especially with how you designed each of the factions bases making them harder for someone like me, and others to defend. I can only speak for myself but factions for me is getting the sigils, and seeing how long we can keep them from the enemy. To me it looks like your taking the defenders out of factions, and making factions all about the pvp side of it.
I can tell you now being a Trammy this is not the way to get me to go to felucca makes me want to get out of factions.
Deserters don't count. That is one of the key reasons to lable them deserters. You are only compared to active players. Deserters also can't wear faction artifacts which keeps people from joining just to get artifacts and then not supporting the faction. Of course, if you actually help your faction for a minimum amount of time per week you are not a derter and it takes about 15 minutes of pvping to remove your deserter status.Well, the problem wasn't really people putting toons in other factions. The problem was all the Trammies, bank sitters, and people that actually QUIT THE GAME still taking up a membership slot.
In fact, we used to put toons in dead factions just to change the ratio so that the active factions could receive more members.
I dont think the balancer would be an issue if, using the new ranking system, inactive people got the boot. Or if "deserter" ranks didnt count as members. Something along those lines.
Well, the core of it is consentual pvp. But we want to add other elements to make it relevant to people who don't pvp. For example, I don't play football, never have other than some school yard/sand lot stuff. That doesn't mean I can't be involved in pro-football. I can support the team by buying tickets. I can gamble on it. I can watch the games. I can discuss it with my friends. I can start a magazine about it. I can give commentary. These are all valid ways to be a part of pro football without being good at football.I think you are just as confused as most of us mark lol.
Isn't factions supposed to be about pvp? Sort of a, capture the flag kind of game, that involves killing each other to get the flag? lol
Well, the complexity is only a problem if it is complex to use. I think we need to do a better job of making it simple to interpret the result. When I look at the score board, I just want to know if I'm better than my friend who said that he was the best guy on the server. Maybe we should just report your rank in every category instead of some wierd number that you don't really know what it means. Like, I'm 300th in damage and 50th in healing and 500th in hiding and 50th overall. Then just let the computer figure out all that other stuff.It seems you have put a lot of thought into the point system, it may even be a bit to complex.. I'll have to wait and see.
What if everyone in factions was made red. This way they could not go o Tram at all, and we would not have the need for deserters or at least it would resolve people exploiting the system and wearing faction items in Tram. Also if you were blue before you joined a faction, and then quit factions you would go blue again as long as you dont have 5 murder counts for killing 5 or more non faction blues.
edit: the red factioners would still appear blue to non faction people.
Or even simpler just make it to where if you char is in factions they cant enter Tram.
Nothing stops everyone from joining the same faction, but I think you actually get negative credit if you kill your own faction. Also, you get a fat multiplier if you are outnumbered. The idea is, the best players will always favor the smaller faction because it pays better. The medium players follow the best players and create an equilibrium. The crappy players just do whatever and no one cares if they are all in the same faction. They just exist so that you can be better than them. heh.What stops everyone from joining the same factions?
What if they put a ratio limit to factions. Depending on the amount of people in opposing factions, the larger ones would be limited to how many people can be in it.
Also, it was just a thought on faction items, maybe they can add something else that makes more sense in the risk vs reward aspect of things, other than stat loss.
I think you might be taking my comment out of context. I was explaining how the fact that we don't put caps on the number of people who can join a faction isn't going to unbalance factions. In any team, organization, army, whatever, you have 20% of the people doing 80% of the work. It's an old cliche and it is old because it is true. My point is that if the 20% who do 80% of the work stay reasonably distributed among the factions then the 80% that only do 20% of the work can do whatever they want and the system will still balance. I have no interest in labelling individual people. Perhaps "crappy" was a poor choice of words, perhaps I should have said "people who don't really help the cause in any measurable way."I have cooled down a bit now. Agree totally with Arabella. I pay EA $52.00 a month to maintain 4 accounts to play FACTIONS. I did not read anywhere that "EA Devs at any given moment may determine your play style invalid or you to be a crappy player". We are your customers and you have no right to decide which of us is "crappy". Your measure of crappy most likely is NOT my measure of crappy.
But I am willing to listen and I am still waiting for that definition.
These things are part of the long-term plan. These plans are still in the design phase. As such, I'm interested in getting some feedback.If you're looking to reward & give players incentive for participating in factions apply it to a part of the system that is neglected & meaningless with the exception of warhorses... Sigil corruption & town ownership.
I am listening, there were some people who asked for clarification so I gave it. I guess, honestly, I'm kind of baffled that you don't like it so I was assuming you didn't understand it and was trying to explain it better.Cloak‡1697055 said:Mark, as tink already pointed out, it would seem like you guys are not even listening to us. I have spent the majority of my time on these boards since you guys brought these changes up fighting with my fellow players about how you guys were doing good here, but if you are not even going to listen to us, and just simply try and beat these ideas into us I think I may stop. Not a single person on these boards, including those who are trying to stand up for you guys, likes this rotating schedule idea. If you are not going to listen to our input, why ask for it at all? Honestly no one is going to find bugs in a system they refuse to play. If you put this on test, you wont have anyone sending you bug reports, because no one will be testing it, it is just that simple.
There has to be a point where you, as the developers, realize that presenting us an idea. we reject it, and then you try to explain it to us until we agree with you is not going to work, you need to just forget the idea of a rotating schedule, maybe present a new idea. Don't put so much work into systems with out getting the feedback of the players who are going to use them. Present a general idea, don't code it don't fully design it, just a simple idea and see where that goes with us. You will end up simply wasting your time if you design a system implement it and then everyone decides to never use it.