Zyon Rockler
I am sorry to report it appears factions are failing. Many many years ago, before factions I had an idea, I wanted to create a guild of guilds. My goal was to bring together a group of people under some type of contract of loyalty, trust and friendship. Before long many were talking about this idea and I remember talking to someone about it, who appeared to think it was their original idea and was asking me what I had thought about it.
Many many years later, a rule in factions is changed that allows the healing and rezzing of faction members. I'm intriqued and decide that this will allow the guild to finally take part. Because of this change people in the guild who wish to remain in Trammel would no longer be affected.
Well, I found I was wrong on this account. It turns out there are several bugs that when you die in Trammel can cause stat loss. So, immediately I was receiving messages of people who had died and lost their skills. I decided to press on.
We finally got some characters together after joining TB and decided we would start to make an appearance. The first time in we were greeted by a great leader who welcomed us like family and showed us how everything worked. I was even made a Sheriff. I had hope for the game.
I made a post not so long ago requesting the timer be changed on stat loss to try to curb the tension with Trammel players. This did not happen. Majority voted No.
I decided we were not ready to really move into factions and that our characters needed more work. After all our first characters were only a few days old when they had earned their first points. I wanted the characters to be more efficient in PvP.
The other day I made another post for factions when I realized there was no way of knowing what was going on in Fel. How would I know when I should go because alot of times there is nothing at all there to do. So, I asked that there be a message that could be sent to the faction member when a flag was activated. This way if a leader wasn't on you would still get a message.
Low and behold a few days later a message is sent out on the Atlantic shard while i'm in the middle of some very busy work. It is a call for everyone in TB to report to the stronghold, that it is under attack. So, my son and I decide this might be our chance to make a great appearance.
My son ports in first and as a stealther hides before the end of his recall so that the people there do not see him. He warns me there are alot of reds. This is disappointing to me but I decide it should not matter and port in to fight at the side of my faction to defend our stronghold. It turns out that LNR and COW are mainly apparent. After a short engaging battle COW flees.
I come out to congradulate my team mates and i'm pked by my own faction and by no more than a back stabbing red and of course because it was not my intent I did not fight back but instead decided to take 3 steps away and died.
I was not concerned, it was possible he did not see my tags but then I noticed not 1 LNR would even to attempt to rez me. In fact one checked my body and left me standing there. So, I had to walk to the healer in ghost form and walk back to my body. When I asked them why they did not rez me they did not talk to me and ported out, leaving me and my son.
Is this the intent of the designers?
A few hours later again spam ran across the screen asking that all LNR guild members report to the LNR guild house because COW is doing the Harrower.
Again can anyone see the problem with this faction message?
Ok, so i'm supposed to kill all of LNR so I can then kill my enemy faction or is it maybe i'm just supposed to stay in Trammel because there really isn't such a thing as a faction. To me this means that factions have failed.
I don't understand why this guy wouldn't get some kind of penalty for his actions. First of all this guy is a red, so he gets no murder count. Why would the designers allow reds to be in a faction? A red is a murderer. That's like the military taking murderers out of the prisons to join armies. The result would be what happened to me, a murderer can not be trusted. So, how would they get into factions in the first place if a faction is supposed to be built on trust? Shame on LNR and shame on the designers for allowing this.
I am faced with 2 choices. To hang in there alittle longer and hope for change or pull out of factions and focus on the killing of red players. In my eyes this would mean that factions have failed.
Sorry for the long story, but thus it is true.
Many many years later, a rule in factions is changed that allows the healing and rezzing of faction members. I'm intriqued and decide that this will allow the guild to finally take part. Because of this change people in the guild who wish to remain in Trammel would no longer be affected.
Well, I found I was wrong on this account. It turns out there are several bugs that when you die in Trammel can cause stat loss. So, immediately I was receiving messages of people who had died and lost their skills. I decided to press on.
We finally got some characters together after joining TB and decided we would start to make an appearance. The first time in we were greeted by a great leader who welcomed us like family and showed us how everything worked. I was even made a Sheriff. I had hope for the game.
I made a post not so long ago requesting the timer be changed on stat loss to try to curb the tension with Trammel players. This did not happen. Majority voted No.
I decided we were not ready to really move into factions and that our characters needed more work. After all our first characters were only a few days old when they had earned their first points. I wanted the characters to be more efficient in PvP.
The other day I made another post for factions when I realized there was no way of knowing what was going on in Fel. How would I know when I should go because alot of times there is nothing at all there to do. So, I asked that there be a message that could be sent to the faction member when a flag was activated. This way if a leader wasn't on you would still get a message.
Low and behold a few days later a message is sent out on the Atlantic shard while i'm in the middle of some very busy work. It is a call for everyone in TB to report to the stronghold, that it is under attack. So, my son and I decide this might be our chance to make a great appearance.
My son ports in first and as a stealther hides before the end of his recall so that the people there do not see him. He warns me there are alot of reds. This is disappointing to me but I decide it should not matter and port in to fight at the side of my faction to defend our stronghold. It turns out that LNR and COW are mainly apparent. After a short engaging battle COW flees.
I come out to congradulate my team mates and i'm pked by my own faction and by no more than a back stabbing red and of course because it was not my intent I did not fight back but instead decided to take 3 steps away and died.
I was not concerned, it was possible he did not see my tags but then I noticed not 1 LNR would even to attempt to rez me. In fact one checked my body and left me standing there. So, I had to walk to the healer in ghost form and walk back to my body. When I asked them why they did not rez me they did not talk to me and ported out, leaving me and my son.
Is this the intent of the designers?
A few hours later again spam ran across the screen asking that all LNR guild members report to the LNR guild house because COW is doing the Harrower.
Again can anyone see the problem with this faction message?
Ok, so i'm supposed to kill all of LNR so I can then kill my enemy faction or is it maybe i'm just supposed to stay in Trammel because there really isn't such a thing as a faction. To me this means that factions have failed.
I don't understand why this guy wouldn't get some kind of penalty for his actions. First of all this guy is a red, so he gets no murder count. Why would the designers allow reds to be in a faction? A red is a murderer. That's like the military taking murderers out of the prisons to join armies. The result would be what happened to me, a murderer can not be trusted. So, how would they get into factions in the first place if a faction is supposed to be built on trust? Shame on LNR and shame on the designers for allowing this.
I am faced with 2 choices. To hang in there alittle longer and hope for change or pull out of factions and focus on the killing of red players. In my eyes this would mean that factions have failed.
Sorry for the long story, but thus it is true.