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Faction Tutorial 101

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The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Campaign Benefactor


so after my 4th time of taking people out for a walk around the faction places, i decided that maybe i should slap together something so that people could see all the BASIC's of what is in factions. Then if they are interested they can come over and get a little more indepth with the who what where and all that jazz.

This is what is listed on UO.com

<font color="red"> The Faction System - Felucca Facet

When Minax took over Lord British’s realm, she started a rift, both among her followers, and among the followers of Lord British. Both sides split into two different groups, with different ideals, and war ensued among all 4 sides.

The rebellion began in Moonglow, where the council of Mages decided that Lord British was no longer fit to rule Britannia. He’d not only failed to protect his lands from the invading hordes, but many of his own people had abandoned him and fled to the side of darkness, taking post with one of the factions of evil.

British’s loyal followers tried to crush the rumors quickly that Moonglow was planning on seceding from the throne’s grasp, but this only furthered their cause, making those who died or were jailed martyrs for the cause of the mages. The Council of Mages now believes that what Britannia needs is a new leader: one who can not only lead Britannia against Minax, but who can also keep peace once it’s restored. To this end, they have begun preparations to do something drastic.

Though they’ve never had to do this themselves, they are the keepers of the arcane knowledge, and they have prepared many notes and items which they will need in their quest. They oppose Minax, and Lord British, and as such, are not safe from danger in either company.

Meanwhile, Minax has something of a rebellion herself occurring. Strangely enough, from within her own rank and file, there are those who are calling for the Shadow Lords to be released from the Abyss to take their rightful place as the rulers of the dark land. While her minions are grateful to Minax for allowing them the opportunity to strike terror at Lord British, they feel she is only useful as a magical tool, and is not powerful enough to lead them against Lord British for an extended period of time. To this end they have begun preparations to do something drastic of their own; call for the Shadow Lords.

Her minions are now split amongst those who would follow her, and those who wish to see her dethroned. Infighting is the only thing thus far that is keeping Minax from working out a way to breach the virtue spell that protects Lord British and his followers.

The result was four different factions:
True Britannians
Shadow Lords
Council of Mages
All factions are aggressive towards each other, meaning each faction member can be attacked freely by members of another faction.

Strongholds of Factions

Each faction will have its own stronghold, a place where their faction stone resides and where the members of that faction are to take a sigil if they obtain one. The stronghold is the base of operations for each faction. At this time, the faction strongholds are located at the following locations:

Minax Faction — The stone fortress is located in the mountains west of Trinsic.

Council of Mages Faction — The Magincia Parliament Building in the southeast corner of Magincia.

Shadowlord Faction — Located in the unused crypts in the Yew forest, a fair distance in a direct line northeast from the east Yew Healer’s Shop named “Deep Forest Healing.” This is not the Yew Graveyard, but instead the haunted crypts far to the northeast of the city within the woods.

True Britannians Faction — Located within Castle Britannia’s throne room, in the town of Britain.

that is all they say. so now i shall take over from where they left off.
so here we go.

the "Poo's quicky faction lesson"

Now of course as with all things in UO there is an actual story line behind factions. What it is.... i have no idea! In a nut shell there are 4 different groups that dont like each other. They are all fighting for dominance and control of the 8 towns that make up the faction world. If you would like the story behind each faction then all you have to do is double click on the faction stone located outside of each base and it will give you a little blurb of what that faction stands for. So now we know a few things. There are 4 different groups, they are:

1) True Britanniana (we will refer to them as TB from here on in)
2) Shadowlords (again, we shall shorten that to SL)
3) Minax (MX if your keeping up to us)
4) Council or Mages (COM)

now each faction listed above has a main base or stronghold.
TB is located in Brit, at Lord Brits Castle
SL is located in the Yew Crypts
MX has a mountain Citadel located between Trinsic and Destard in the mountains
COM is in Magincia in the council hall.

OK, so now we know who the 4 factions are, and where they are located.
so what do we do now Poo? Well, good thing you asked, i just happened to have some more info here for ya!

Decide which group you want to join.
you can just pick which one has the coolest looking crest, or you can get into the stroy line and choose from there (mages go to com, reds go to MX and SL, and honor guild to TB - that use to be the old story line) or you can pick one at random and jump in and get your feet wet.
But where do we go to join... and how do we do it, and and and......


lets take this one step at a time.

what i will do here is post a pick of each of the 4 bases.
in that pic will be the front entrance of the base, which is as far as normal players can go as you have to be in factions to get into the bases. on the entrance pic it will show the sign up stone for each of the guilds.
that is the stone you have to double click on, then you hit "join this faction" button.
the next pic that i put up will be the inner base, showing the sigil holder monoliths and the 'faction stone'
the faction stone is what you use if you are IN that faction, you can check things such as the town status's, your stats, vote for leadership, declair yourself a faction mule, ect ect ect.

so lets have a look at the 4 bases and their inner sig rooms, and ill also slap in a picture of the gump screens for joining and also the faction stone gump.

so here we go.....

The sign up stone

The TB Base

TB sig room

COM Base

COM sig room

MX Base

MX sig room

SL Base

SL sig room

Ok, so now we know were the bases are, and in those pics you can see the sign up stone for each base, we've seen what is on the sign up stone as well. In the pictures we can also see the standard or crest for each faction and in the sig room pics we can see the faction stone for each faction. Here is a pic of the faction stone gump.

so you will note on the pics there is also a nice fat map too look at.
oh ya, i think of it all!

so here we go, on to the next stuff.

Faction Titles.

each faction has 4 different levels of players.
the levels are based on your standing in the guild, and your standing in the guild is based on how much you kill in comparison to how many people are in your faction.
so if your all alone in your faction, you will probablly be a level 10.
if there is 50 people in your faction and you have no kills, you will probablly be a 0. Now that said, faction ranking has allways been a little glitched. I know a thief in TB who has never killed anyone and dies 10 times a day, and he has allways been a level 5. who knows, its one of the many mysteries of UO.
so there are 4 TITLES that you can get in factions which relate directlly to your ranking.
for example:
in TB if you are rank 0-3 you are a Defender.
If you are a rank 10 in TB you are a Knight of the Codex
and if you are in charge of the faction you are the Commanding Lord.

heres a pic

here is a nice table of the titles:

Rank Minax COM TB SL
1 Defiler Mystic Defender Servant
2 Defiler Mystic Defender Servant
3 Defiler Mystic Defender Servant
4 Executioner Diviner Sentinel Keeper of Lies
5 Executioner Diviner Sentinel Keeper of Lies
6 Executioner Diviner Sentinel Keeper of Lies
7 Warlord Luminary Crusader Bringer of Sorrow
8 Warlord Luminary Crusader Bringer of Sorrow
9 Dread Knight Archon of Principle Knight of Virtue Agent of Evil

Level 10 Top Level you can get too
MX = Avenger of Mondain
COM = Inquisitor of the Council
TB = Knight of the Codex
SL = Purveyor of Darkness

so what next.

how about

Killing in Factions

when you die in factions you go into STAT LOSS.
what is stat loss Poo?
well curl up to the fire and i shall tell you a story.

In order to add more permanence to the results of faction battles, and add meaning to death in combat without inflicting further economic damage upon the deceased, faction players are subject to a temporary skill loss penalty of 33% when slain by a faction opponent. This penalty lasts 20 minutes . This penalty is also applied if a faction character commits “suicide.”
Note: This penalty is not applied when a faction player is killed by a non-faction player, faction mate or non-enemy faction monster.

so basiclly they didnt want to make a brit gate thing were ya die then ya run rightback into the battle, they wanted to make you hurt and weaker cause lets face it.... you just died!

here is a little pic i put together to show some stuff about faction fighting

you'll note that the enemy is factions is <font color="orange"> ORANGE </font> in color to you, unless of course he is <font color="red"> a murderer and red </font> that is one thing you have to watch out for, red people in factions are RED!!!!!

The Towns, the sigils and the 'capture the flag' part of factions

so what gives.
what is all this 'sigil running'
'attacking the faction strongholds'
ect ect ect???

what all this is is a big game of capture the flag... but with 8 flags.
and the winner gets control of the 8 towns that the flags (sigils) represent.

the 8 towns (are and thier town stones are located):

Britain (located south of the mage shop on the east side of Britain)
Skara Brae (located north of the provisioner’s shop)
Magincia (located southwest of the tavern)
Vesper (located west of the docks)
Minoc (located south of the tavern)
Moonglow (located east of the provisioner’s shop)
Trinsic (located east of the meeting hall)
Yew (located west of the healer

so what do they look like, these town stones and sigil stones and what do sigils look like!!!!

slow down lambchop, i shall enlighten you!

*big flash of light and some neat music!!!*

each town has a town stone, that is where the faction that is in control of that town goes to dictate its operational staff, the sheriff and the financial minister.

the sheriff places factions gaurds in that town and the finincial minister places faction venders (which are cheap and carry lots of stuff!!!)

the stones look like this and can only be accessed by the Commanding Lord of that faction that is in cotrol of that town.

here is the sigil monolith that holds the sigil

and here is what the sigils say when you mouse over them

oh my gooses!!!!! what does all the mean on the sigil!!!!!
its not as bad as it looks, the sigil will tell you if it is
a) stealable
b) if it has been corupted to one of the 4 factions
c) if it is activlly in coruption status (or not)

more on that if ya come into factions.

so what, if anything do i get if i join factions and take over the world and rule all the towns with an iron fist?

well, you can be a god and kill people with just a mean look!!!

hahaha and you can get a nice looking horse that you can res all by yourself even with no vetrinary or animal lore!!!!

its a lot of fun, its a definate different game within the game, and its a nice change from the brit gate pvp and pvm.

so come on down and have some fun with us.


here are some links to the UO pages for those who would like to read up on more about factions and the technical stuff i didnt mention here.

Joining a Faction
Quitting a Faction
Scoreing and Killing
Faction Silver
War Horses
Faction Mules
More on Silver
This is neat, the monsters that are in alliance with the different Factions!!!
Towns and everything about STEALING and RUNNING SIGILS!!!
Everything about being a Commanding Lord and running your towns

ok, my arse is sore from sitting here so long and making this, im gonna go and play some factions and get me some more kills and defend my way of life!!!!!

<font color="purple"> LONG LIVE THE TB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! </font>


Best faction overview ive seen in ages.


Dor of Sonoma

This is a magnificent compilation, Poo.

I have marked this thread as 'Kept', and would like to sticky it for a bit (if that meets with your approval).

Definitely an asset to the community. Thank you for all of your hard work on this :)


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
dosnt that make you feel like slapping your forehead when you sticky something made by a fella who calls himself Poo?

i know the mod from the bard forum put a bunch of my stuff in the FAQ there and i can tell he was cringing when he had to site the author as Poo, hahahhaa.

yes by all means, slap it up and make it sticky..... hmmmmm...... that didnt come out right......

the more attention we can get onto factions the more people will come on in, and the more fun we shall have.

speaking of that, looks like a few new faces are running around in factions tonght, welcome, and i hope you enjoy it as i do!

now come here and let me kill ya, my pretty!!


Great work, Poo!

I only dabbled in factions briefly a long while ago.. but it was impossible to find all this information in one place back then so it was easy to get frustrated trying to learn the ins and outs of factions ingame. This is definately sticky-worthy! *claps*


hmmmmm, I've been watching quietly for the past month and seeing this post makes me edge towards coming on board... Seems factions is currently lopsided with a bit too many on the SL side. *methinks I'll add to the balance*

Gypsy Keja Mimi

Absolutely wonderful write up on Factions Poo!

Sometime if you just need a carrier and I am on, feel free to call me.
I am unable to get more than a 28.8 connection so the game lags me bad, but sigil carrying is a lot of times about tactics not necessarily speed. And dying isnt a bad thing if I can offer a diversion with my little dead body that works too.

Give me a call if you can use me. I hear a lot about the fun you have from Malachite and I miss it very much. (Thanks for the article rez Mal:) )

Jade El'ren of YAD


Sweet post Poo... ISO has gone to CoM and the balance of power has shifted. We will own the towns as soon as the GM's fix their goof of the shard dropping when we were in the middle of placing the sigils...

Hopefully we can revive factions on this shard... All we need r people to join up with SL, Minax, and TB... It's fun stuff... always has been fun stuff and always will be fun stuff... all ya gotta do is throw one of ur 6 chars on ur accounts and come enjoy the fun... If ya die stat loss is only temporary and lasts 20 mins... can still enjoy pvping... I'll still be fighting in stat loss if ya kill me... u can count on that...


Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
me and couple of E^E guys are making a guild, or have that will be in Minax. Hopefully that will add to some of those peeps we need to get it back up and going again.


I was just wondering.... if I were to come back to UO for a while... maybe just to visit..... would there still be a slot for me in YAD?


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
i think were down to 3 guys, so the answer would be yes


haha very nice post its been up a while and i just looked at it i think i am going to make a faction guild maybe will my dexxer just cuz he is a tank lol.


I'll tell you the ONLY Thing keeping me from wanting in factions....Stat Loss. I always seem to get ganked in Factions, and always a lot of the times in Stat Loss, and I HATE that whole concept, nor do I fully understand it tbh.


Your tutorial is really cool but the stupid TB faction stone won't let me in it. Something about having too many people in it. How can that be, I never see anyone around the base near it at all. I've actually only run across just a handful of people that are factioned. Do they only let like 5 people in each faction?


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
the game has this thing where it likes to try to keep the faction teams even, or as close to it as they can.
so if there are like 20 people in TB (even if only 3 of them play) and all the other teams have like 5 each it will block TB from getting more people in it.
there are about 8 people in TB who dont play and are only there for either spy reasons or trying to get black horses, they seem to be slowlly filling up the stone, like a cancer, and they are effectivlly blocking people who wish to join to play for real.
alas its allways been like that, eventually UO will have to revamp factions and boot out inactive players and do a bunch of changes or just pack in the entire system which would be a shame.


Factions used to be fun, when every faction stone was filled. I'll never forget fighting C*D by far one of the best in order guilds to ever be in factions, they was even good in O/C days before factions. ^*^ I wouldn't give them props even had the desire too, no comment lol. The only places I hated raiding well hell basically all of them til they made it possible for reds to roam through guarded towns then it was fun. Poo, you always had bandwagoners that joined just to steal off your accomplishments. I can't tell you how many SL horses I seen in Tram on my crafter after we took towns over and placed a few vendors, and these weren't actual *faction members* just some bank sitters that wanted to look pretty on a green horse. This truly shows the greed of people. Yes I used to rock full faction colored blessed clothes, but I also earned the right at doing so :p still burns me up today at seeing this state of factions, I'd join again if I ever had enough reason to do so.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
with bandaids

but you have to use the clove hitch knot to tie it off or it wont work


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
that was a joke.

sigh, do i have to explain EVERYTHING !!!!!!

like i need an excuse to talk more.

to res a faction horse you just need to dd click a bandaid and click your dead horse, you will 100% res it.
then you will need to heal it up with either magic or chiv spells as you can res it with bandaids, but you cant HEAL it with bandaids.

its one of the perks they added into factions a little while ago.
instead of fixing anything chuck us a new perk.
isnt that allwasy that way?



The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
you miss me..... where have i gone.... am i dead?



The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
seeing as a post that looks very simular to this one, in information and even in pictures.... heck, even in title, is now up on the faction forum, it would seems as though all my hard work is of little use or need anymore.

time to let this go unsticked and let it die like all the other good things that people do for free on stratics.

[/Bitterness that comes from feeling used and abused]

Dor of Sonoma


No way, man! This is Sonoma, where we have always appreciated you - and heartily thank you for who you are and all that you do. I stickied this Way Back When and, as far as I am concerned, it remains an excellent piece of work.

If someone has ripped off your work, I apologize. I don't know what can be done about that, but I do hope that you don't hold it against those of us who remain grateful for your efforts on our behalf. I suppose that it could be said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, eh? *coughs*

You rock, Poo.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
we have been asked to clear up some of the clutter that was the stickies on the sonoma forum.

so after having a look at this i have decided to un-sticky it and lock it and let it drift off into the neverness.

while it has a lot of info in it and a lot of old links to old stories and such it just isnt worth keeping it up there anymore.

its a musem piece and unfortunatlly we dont have a musem, hehe.

so we shall say good by to this old piece of sonoma forum history.

(sept 15 2010)
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