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Faction Town Sigil,s

  • Thread starter Sip-n-Shine
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


The timers are a mess. When a theif steals the sigil from the opposite base the timer dont reset. Than a different theif comes an steals it back after it has sat in your base for over a hour an owns the town an didnt have to defend the sigil..

All i can say is fix this an there are many other things wrong but this one just is not right.

All ya have to do is steal it from the town an let the other factions fight over it. An when the timer says it is time to go back to town just go get it an own the town an dont defend it at all.. Oh yea


WTF am in a faction and i dunno what's going on except being killed. Much less asigil? Is this the tombstone thingy a lot of orange guys are guarding I get to see only as a ghost?
