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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have these gone extinct?
3-slot "a dragon"
4-slot "a greater dragon"
"a greater dragon" with over-80 physical resist and over-80 fire resist

I visited the two Destards and did not find any of these. It used to be that a visit to Fel Dungeon Destard would yield one or two greaters worth taming.


Lore Master
Have these gone extinct?
3-slot "a dragon"
4-slot "a greater dragon"
"a greater dragon" with over-80 physical resist and over-80 fire resist

I visited the two Destards and did not find any of these. It used to be that a visit to Fel Dungeon Destard would yield one or two greaters worth taming.
Pretty sure 3 Slot Dragons are extinct.
4 Slot Greater Dragons are very rare, but not extinct.

Greater Dragons can get up to 85% Physical and 90% Fire. Finding them both that high though would be pretty rare.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
4 slot greater Dragons do not spawn as 4 slot pet. They spawn as a 5 slot GD and loose one slot after taming (because the pet was such crappy 5 slot pet before it was tamed).
Last edited:


Stratics Veteran
4 slot greater Dragons do not spawn as 4 slot pet. They spawn as a 5 slot GD and loose on stage after taming.
That is actually incorrect. They will show up as 4 slot on the lore page prior to taming.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I spent 5 mins looking and got bored so they must not exist...


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Just this morning in Destard


And after Taming...

So yes, 4 Slot GDs do exist and can be tamed as 4 slot, just not common. ;)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
And it's stats if you are interested, nothing much to write home about. Since I have it I will certainly up its resists, regens and add a few hitpoints. Maybe make it a lil unique by changing its magic ability.



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 4 slot Dragon Turtles are about the same very low stats.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Funny thing about my really sucky dragon turtle hatchling.
It sucked. It was awful. It was four-slot. I trained it, fixing the resistances, putting on regens, and adding a 110 eval int scroll.

... ... ... and then The Great Pet Revert happened.
Yeah. It got reverted (don't know why)... and the resistances went back to awful, the regens disappeared. The 110 eval int stayed.
-- and the Str and HP went back to pretame values! Oh, and it's 5-slot with no more training available.

So it is now the highest Str and HP dragon turtle hatchling I've ever seen, while also being the suckiest in every other way.



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Funny thing about my really sucky dragon turtle hatchling.
It sucked. It was awful. It was four-slot. I trained it, fixing the resistances, putting on regens, and adding a 110 eval int scroll.

... ... ... and then The Great Pet Revert happened.
Yeah. It got reverted (don't know why)... and the resistances went back to awful, the regens disappeared. The 110 eval int stayed.
-- and the Str and HP went back to pretame values! Oh, and it's 5-slot with no more training available.

So it is now the highest Str and HP dragon turtle hatchling I've ever seen, while also being the suckiest in every other way.

LOL there was a little known bug that caused the str on those to go very high if you just put one scroll on it.

They fixed it as you found out. Yours was collateral damage.