** LONG THREAD: TLDR Version – New UO Expansion idea that builds upon player tools and communities already in place rather than new lands, skills, or races. It’s an expansion that’s sole purpose is to give tools to allow the players to provide the content, conflict, and creativity. ***
With the launch of Stygian Abyss now well under way, and with the recent interview at MMORPG.com with Draconi about where they hope to bring UO in the future, I thought of an idea for what I think would make a great expansion to UO.
It wouldn’t add land.
It wouldn’t add a race.
It wouldn’t add new abilities.
It would be a refinement of the world which has already been created. It would take existing ideas and concepts unique to UO to a whole new level. It’d mean some major alterations to existing systems, and if you read the ideas I will put forth, you’ll understand why it’d be an expansion pack unto itself.
This is a BIG idea, broad and scope, with a degree of difficulty that I don’t think has been accomplished by any MMO. I have no illusion about the possibility of any of this being done – It’s practically 0. But if even a small fraction of these ideas were implemented, I think it would be a boon to UO, and another feature that UO can lay claim to that no other MMO offers.
So, for your edification, and without further ado, I give you..
Ultima Online: Reign of Kings
“Noble citizens of Sosaria! Heed my call!
The width and breadth of Sosaria has been explored, from hidden lands of Malas, to the ominous depths of the Abyss. For an age, the fate of the citizens of Sosaria has been manipulated by dark hands with hidden agendas – The Guardian, Mondain, Minax, The Shadow Lords, the Crimson and Platinum Dragons. But the time the fates have allotted them is fast falling to shadow. It is time the Champions of Virtue rise to seize control of the lands, and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity!
But be warned! The power to shape the world will not go unchallenged! New forces will rise to usurp control from those who would guide us by the light of the Virtues!
And in time, you may find that the most sinister and diabolical hand does not belong to an unseen foe, but is seen wherever we gaze into a mirror...”
- Dawn
Allegiance System
Nobility System
Auction Houses
City Invasions
With the launch of Stygian Abyss now well under way, and with the recent interview at MMORPG.com with Draconi about where they hope to bring UO in the future, I thought of an idea for what I think would make a great expansion to UO.
It wouldn’t add land.
It wouldn’t add a race.
It wouldn’t add new abilities.
It would be a refinement of the world which has already been created. It would take existing ideas and concepts unique to UO to a whole new level. It’d mean some major alterations to existing systems, and if you read the ideas I will put forth, you’ll understand why it’d be an expansion pack unto itself.
This is a BIG idea, broad and scope, with a degree of difficulty that I don’t think has been accomplished by any MMO. I have no illusion about the possibility of any of this being done – It’s practically 0. But if even a small fraction of these ideas were implemented, I think it would be a boon to UO, and another feature that UO can lay claim to that no other MMO offers.
So, for your edification, and without further ado, I give you..
Ultima Online: Reign of Kings
“Noble citizens of Sosaria! Heed my call!
The width and breadth of Sosaria has been explored, from hidden lands of Malas, to the ominous depths of the Abyss. For an age, the fate of the citizens of Sosaria has been manipulated by dark hands with hidden agendas – The Guardian, Mondain, Minax, The Shadow Lords, the Crimson and Platinum Dragons. But the time the fates have allotted them is fast falling to shadow. It is time the Champions of Virtue rise to seize control of the lands, and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity!
But be warned! The power to shape the world will not go unchallenged! New forces will rise to usurp control from those who would guide us by the light of the Virtues!
And in time, you may find that the most sinister and diabolical hand does not belong to an unseen foe, but is seen wherever we gaze into a mirror...”
- Dawn
Allegiance System
Nobility System
Auction Houses
City Invasions