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[Buying] Executionor's Rusty Pen (Candle Of Love Event)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
gl i have been looking for one on chessy since it ended and either no one kept or they are not selling


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I Myself Am Paying 10M For The Pen Which Is High Have Seen The Set Including All 6 Pieces The Candle Of Love And Prisoners Book for 20-30M So Its Around 4-6M Per Piece


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I Myself Am Paying 10M For The Pen Which Is High Have Seen The Set Including All 6 Pieces The Candle Of Love And Prisoners Book for 20-30M So Its Around 4-6M Per Piece
Could you name all the pieces?

Prisoners Book
Executionor's Rusty Pen
a heart blackend by despice
and that Mini pyramid (cant remember the name :wall: )

So that means that im missing 2


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Executioner's Rusty Pen
Quill Of Justice
A Heart Blackened By Despise
Heart Of Compassion
Tear Of Sacrifice
Sudiva's Covetous-Laced Tear
The Prisoner's Journal
A Candle Blessed By Love For *player's name*