Sounds goodWith the EM programme resparking my interest in UO I am hoping to run two seperate events on the oceania shard for fun within the next week. I have some resources avialable that I will donate as rewards and prizes to make this as fun as possible for everyone involved. Personally I'm doing this because I quit UO awhile back and before I left I ran a quest chain with my partner for the guild I was in, [TOV], and had a lot of fun doing it and wanted to again.
I have some general ideas for both the events but I want to make them as good as possible. So I want everyones opinion on what they would like to see/do/have happen with either both a:
1) Quest Chain
2) Player Vs Player Tournament
I was thinking also that some help might be needed to get the full potential out of the chain quest and even some extra hands for the PvP tournament to speed it along would make both events a great deal better. If your willing or would prefer to help out more then paticapate then please let me know so we can get started on designing it all.
Let me know any key elements that would greatly increase the success of both these events. Time of the week/day? Multiple runs? Anything you think is important please let me know. The more responses and ideas we get the better this will be for everyone.
I've already begun to establish truces with guilds to let the events go undisturbed no matter where they take place and hope that by having a PvP tournament that most of oceania's griefers will wait and let it be. If you think you couldn't resist the urge to wreck the event please just let us all know now and save us a lot of time and effort, we arn't EM's/GM's and it takes a lot longer to organise and do things our way.
I have a lot of ideas for both events already and can answer your questions but I hope you spread the word and get people interested so the feedback can help mould the events that you all wish to play.
You would have to restrict templates if you did that, disallowing tamers, fields and probably wither otherwise it will be chokepointed and nobody will claim each others castle.castle siege- 1 team defends a public house in fel for a given time while another attempt to take it by force, then reverse sides, see who claims the castle the fastest. I have rules in place to make it interesting
Well, I don't think your going to get an event to happen unless there big rewards. People just don't want to fight us, you saw how we spawned a harrower and they would rather fight each other than attack us.Also I wouldn't count myself a "trammie" I was not that long ago playing along side SSO on one of your members accounts playing the Nox/Dexxer Gilligan and in your Vent chats and helping you all whenever I could. Only a few days ago I was like the only one who was attacking your harrower and couldn't bring anyone else because they just couldn't be bothered.