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EVENT-Tales of Thanks


Former Stratics Publisher
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Come and share your Sosarian tales of good deeds and thanks. Want to salute a fellow Sosarian who saved your hide in the deep, dark dungeon? How about praise to our gods & godlings that help make our Shard what it is? Or even just to express thanks in general for whatever comes to mind.

WHAT: Thanksgiving Story Night
WHERE: Llama Head Point Tavern (runes will be dropped @ banks)
WHEN: 26NOV09, Thanksgiving Day, 7pm PAC to whenever we stop talking. ^.^
AWARDS: 500k gold will be awarded at 8:30pm PAC to the top three stories told so far. (time is flexible depending on attendance)

1st - 250k gold
2nd - 150k gold
3rd - 100k gold
Refreshments, door prizes and more will be passed out as I thank everyone attending for supporting and keeping Story Night alive on Napa!

For more specific information & guidelines about Story Nights, visit here.


Former Stratics Publisher
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Just a quick bump from the airport in Columbia, SC to remind everyone. ^.^ Story night on Thanksgiving - if y'all ain't too tired from eatin' turkey! lol

okay, 'nuf of the southern accent. Can't wait to get back to my warm, sunny Hawaii!


Former Stratics Publisher
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Reminder bump. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! See y'all there!