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Event Points Persistent Quest: Demonic Aspirations 4/4/2011

EM Kaz

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Date: Begins Monday, April 4th 2011
Starting Point: Meer Village, north of Sacrifice Shrine in Illshenar
Event Type: Persistent Quest
Contact Character: Tyrus the Zookeeper


Tyrus the Zookeeper recently alterted Captain Valthos in regards to unusual creatures that had been appearing all over Britannia. At his request, some adventurers located these creatures and cataloged them at his request. Now Tyrus has obtained information in regards to an unusual dragon dwelling in one of the land's dungeons.

Meet with Tyrus the Zookeeper in front of his Zoo in the Meer Village north of the Sacrifice Shrine in Ilshenar. Mention the word "dragon" to Tyrus in order to begin the quest. It is important to keep track of the keywords and locations that you obtain throughout the quest, so that you can send that information to EM Kaz at [email protected] or [email protected]. This will allow you to get credit for quest completion, and earn 10 Event Points.

To receive credit for quest completion, you will need to send EM Kaz an e-mail which contains:

Character Name, Date of Completion, and all keywords and locations. You can also leave a book with the same information in the mailbox next to the EM Hall if you don't want to use e-mail. Please keep in mind that keywords change on a regular basis, so they might be different that those someone else obtains! Be sure to have the correct keywords, or you will NOT receive credit for completion!

If you aren't familiar with the Event Points program, please take a look at this link.

*Important Note* For those of you that are familiar with this program, please note that you will no longer be able to track your Event Points on Pacific.uoem.net because of a technical error. For some reason, all of the information is not being converted properly when I update it. I will be keeping track of everyone's event points. If you need to check how many points you have, please e-mail me.

This quest can be completed at anytime and is scheduled to end on: April 17, 2011.