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[Discussion] Event Moderator Experiences.



Thus far I have attended every Event Moderator movement on Atlantic, save for the last two cheese races and I missed one of the opportunities to see our version of Casca's speech. I suppose this thread is as much a discussion as a "Wheee! Look at what I can do!" swap.

Notable additions to collection:
First SykoBri EM Sash given out. [spelled Em SykoBri not EM SykoBri.]
Two Dark Energy Receivers, of a total eight. [I have locations on Six]
Two sets of EM Sashes from our regular EMs.
Full set of crafted shoes, legit from the event.
Two Tome of Love, second one a guildie gave to me.
The Knife and Hood from the Bara.
One egg, sadly it's somewhere I couldn't find.

Notable Epic Failures
In the event where you went with Casca and got the crystals I spent the entire loot time trying to pull the one set of crystals that globally secured to the ground. Har.

Notable probably not cool things
I think Kaiden placed the "Bottle of Kaiden's Finest Ale" next to Clainin's memorial because I told him we poured half an ale out for our dead comrades. Or because he's a lush. Either way, pretty cool of the guy.

And to the charaters around Bara calling me a "Greedy Noob" for not showing off my items, here you are sirs.

Your's Truly,