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[Buying] Event Item Dress

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am looking for one of the following:

A Fine Sewn Wedding Dress
Midnight Silk (Dress)

I am not sure of price but a friend is wanting one of them. If anyone has one or knows of someone who does that might be interested in selling please ICQ me at 465216882.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There was a player on Catskills shard like 2 nights ago spamming in Gen chat trying to sell the Midnight Silk dress.. I am haveing a brain fart right now tho and can't remember his name.
But I will try spamming in chat 2day and see if I can find him. If I do I will direct him to your post for ya..

Wolf Master

Stratics Veteran
I tried ICQing you, I have a Midnight Silk on Atlantic if you are interested. Please get in touch with me.


Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ICQed you back. Sorry...friend reminded me about thread today. I forgot all about it.