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Event drops tonight

  • Thread starter Salya Sin
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Salya Sin

If anyone is interested... I took screen shots of all items that were dropped. Thanks to everyone who showed me what they got! I can post them here but didn't want to fill a thread with pics if no one cares... :)

The following were dropped. Loot came from Hydras, Krakens, Deep Sea Serpents, Sea Serpents, Water Elementals, and Leviathans. Some showed up as infected/infested and a few were rather nasty with the Chain Lightning.

Small web (colored orange)
A Rusty Dagger
Corroded Scimitar
Decaying Scales
Raw Fish Steak (greater poison colored)
Skull of a Gargoyle Fisherman (wearable, berserker red, and looks like the Ornate Crown of the Harrower... I think)
Poisonous Blood Sample (bottle graphic but weird green color)
Deathrobe (I list this because this is pretty much what most everyone got... a few times.)

I think maybe 1 or 2 of each dropped from what I could gather... I only saw one of the Fisherman's skulls. I am not sure if this was intended or if the body pile up inhibited looting... also... some corpses were out on the water and therefore not lootable.

Did anyone get anything not on the list?

Was asked to go ahead and post photos... so have at you!

Thanks Zar'roc for the fabulous gift of your death robe as I am an rtard and lost all mine the last time I died. :)


i got net gain of around -75ooo gold in insurance costs...


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Next time a News Reporters job pops up, apply. You do a good job in covering events. Nice work & pic's :thumbup1: