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[Discussion] Event days/times by Shard


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I decided to post this on the Rares Collector Forum because it seems as though most, if not all, of newly created rares come from events. Moderators please relocate this thread if it would best be placed elsewhere.

I can rarely make it to events on my home shard because of conflicting obligations in rl, but I really enjoy the story arcs, the experience, and the chance to get something that is pretty unique and often cool.

So I would like to create characters to participate in events on various shards that are more agreeable to my play schedule, but I'm having trouble figuring out which shards to focus on, as both my time and in-game resources are limited.

What I would like to do is consolidate a list of regularly occurring events, broken down by shard and day of week; as I feel that this would help myself and others (presumably) a lot.

For instance, I know that Great Lakes has a regular event on Tuesday evenings at 8 pm U.S. Central.
Lately, Atlantic has been on Thursday evenings at 8 pm U.S. Eastern, although this is the first that time that I have noticed its consistency.

Please post the day and time of any regular events that you know about (and correct any mistakes that I make). I will try to upload a generic calendar as soon as I am able.

Thanks for your time!

Marshall Welsch

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I've been wanting to make a post quite similar to this one for a couple days now but did not know how to word it.
I second this post, & would like any help possible figuring out event times dates & locations.
I've made 4 GM Mages on different shards already in hopes of being able to participate in more events.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thanks kolka!

@marshall: i think we could ask in gen chat if able to be signed on 10-15 mins before the event. and it does seem like a lot of the em's have a standard meeting spot that they have established.

time to go make some new friends :)