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EVENT - Chicken Lizard Brawl


Former Stratics Publisher
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*cue Rocky music*
da da daaaaaaa!
da da daaaaaaaa!

So you got an awesome Battle Chicken Lizard (BCL), huh?
Been working it hard in training, running it up and down the plaza, shadow boxing in the cold?
Well here's your chance to show just how bad-@zz your BCL really is!

DATE November 1, 2009 (Sunday)
TIME Registration begins at 6:30pm PST (ending at 6:50) - Fight begins promptly at 7:00pm PST
WHERE The EM PVP Arena, use runes to the EM Award House, then the red gate to the arena
Look for EM Award House runes locked down in various banks and near certain gates.

General Rules
--Visit the NVG website for general rules

--Each participant may register only ONE Battle Chicken Lizard (BCL)
--Suggest your BCL be bonded so it can be resurrected
--Once registered, you will be "ported" into the arena area
--All BCLs will be placed into the pit area
--BCL handlers cannot go into the pit area
--No fighting until the word is given (preemptive fighting will cause you to be banned from this event)
--No healing of your BCL during the melee (you may cheer and change target, that is all)
--No other creatures are allowed for this event

This is a last-chicken-standing tourney - only one winner will collect the 300k gold!

The NVG is entertaining the notion of starting a WEEKLY Super Chicken League - which depends on interest and turnout for this event. The Super Chicken League may have different divisions - to include Chicken Lizards and other interesting critters.

~~~~~~~~~ DISCLOSURE ~~~~~~~~~​
NVG events are managed by the Napa Valley Grapevine (NVG) guild and no one else. If you have questions about ANY NVG event, contact the original poster or visit the NVG Website. If a player is not displaying the NVG guild tag in game, they are NOT an authority of the NVG events and have no direct authority as to the date, time or award(s) for any NVG event.


Former Stratics Publisher
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Don't forget!


Former Stratics Publisher
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I must be forever cursed!

Daylight Savings changed the time... however not for Hawaii. o_O Seems I missed my own event!! Did I? LOL! If anyone rememberd....

I am sitting the in EM's Arena - but no EMs to help moving people and chickens, and no people either. *sigh*

I know everyone is busy with the Halloween Quest (believe me, I was doing the grind too) and we have no idea when it is ending... so I'll postpone the Chicken Brawl for another day.

five oclock

Thankl you..for things beyond my control..called work..UGH Have to pay UO some how I will have to miss this one..BUT since you are going to have it again....hehehehehe I hopefully will be there next time :D thank U



Former Stratics Publisher
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Ok.. I'm NOT late... seems the daylight savings thing is confounding me again

EM Sangria & I are awaiting participants for the Chicken Lizard Brawl!

And I have 300k burning a hole in my robes!

So come out with your best and lets see just what these Chicken Lizards can do!


Former Stratics Publisher
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bad timing... conflicting with Halloween quest... holiday hangover for many. :p

Or crashing after the sugar rush?

NO matter.

The Chicken Brawl will be rescheduled soon. I gotta coordinate on my calendar.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Can't do it.

I don't have Stygian Abyss, can't tame a chicken lizard :(

oh well.


Former Stratics Publisher
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Event has been delayed until I can straighten out my schedule.

Most of November I will be on trips, unable to log in and do much event wise....