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Event chat (future events maybe?)



just a random thread to talk about some future ideas for events maybe in the future. i think the pvp event will be awesome personally ill probably die lol. :stretcher: either i would look like that or this :gee: lol with my new archer i not as good. but other wise this is for futre events :)


i was thinking about more tameing events you know tamer friendly i mean theres alot of stuff in the abyss thats hard for a tamer do to i think some of the stuff should be tamer friendly and to all char templates. i dont think that all the char templates are being treated equally right now. cause ive been playing my archer dark messenger more often latly cause my tamer kept dieing. and my tamer is a mage peacer tamer so shes not pure mage tamer either. idk i think we could have more chicken fights :p or something fun for tamers to enjoy as well as the pvpers and warriors and ext.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Timed taming event. The EMs could give out gems that act as timers. Once you begin to tame the creature the timer starts and once you successfully tame it, it would end. Person with the fastest overall time for a list of pets would win. Pretty simple in theory.


How about the battle of the pets to see which tamer has the toughest? Two pets enter -- ALL KILL!! No healing.


hehe that sounds cool too :) but just thinking what about the pvpers and warriors? if we have too many events just for tamers wont they complain? got to think this threw to them as well what kind of event would be friendly to all templates and be fun at the same time?? :\