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[Discussion] Europa Rares Fest-Info/Discussion

Roland Of Gilead

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Stratics Legend
Hi there Rares collectors!! Most folks know me as Keenan my trader name as opposed to Roland my rp char name. I have heard no rumblings through the grapevine as of yet for the next fest and as a Huge fan, I have decided to get a good crew together and give it our best shot! :)

We are thinking the first week of feb atm. Going for not too soon but not too far away either. Hopefully give everyone that wishes to come plenty of time to do whatever they need to do in preparation. I am hoping to do at least 1 event per day that week during "prefest" and 2 per day or so during the weekend. Our EA&E Auction Team who have ran the live Europa Auction for soo many years have agreed to run a special festival edition live auction either that sat or sun. Nails has kindly offered to run an on site Silent Auction as usual- we are thinking we might just do 1 house for that this time so there should be plenty of gold to be spent on every ones vendors.

2 vendor houses as seems to be the norm although there may be some sprinkled around for back alley deals type shops an such. All fest related shops, auction house, silent auction house all that will be in the festival area nice and close. Normal Rares Fest Rules will apply as to vendors u can set up anytime that week an sell anything u want until the real fest starts then its rares only in the 2 main vendor houses for the weekend. I know its still a while off I just wanna give all info I can as soon as I can to give anyone interested plenty of time. Very interested in your ideas and discussion so please feel free it helps! Sometime well before the fest ill have a vendor sign up sheet on here. And possibly a sheet for a Vendor Art contest sign ups if enough are interested. Also I always enjoy a good Snazzy Dressed Vendor Contest so we'll likely have that too.

So yea tentatively the dates are Monday 3rd - Sun 9th so it would end a week before Valentine's day weekend. Also a quick note I myself am an American who just happens have made Europa my home for the past decade or so. As such, I am very well in touch with the time differences between Europa and US shards and I am very confident in my ability to make the events and such timed so that all may enjoy them-it will be one of my top priorities and always in mind.

That said I truly hope to see many of you there, we are going to do our very best to ensure your trip to Europa leaves a lasting and Good impression. Thx for your Time--Keenan


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if there is anyway i can help keenan please give me a shout i will do all i can, At least i dont have to travel to another shard for this one :) YAY!!!

Roland Of Gilead

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thx so much for your support folks on here an in game an icq ! Very inspiring and much much appreciated :)

Kahlan I was kinda thinkin I'd wait until after xmas to pop up the vendor sign up sheet...But I guess realistically shouldn't make any dif so I'll pop that right up now :)

Always happy for any suggestions! Really hope to show Everyone a Great Time on Europa! I have so many fond memories from past Rares Fests that I can only hope to give others some new ones of their own to take home :) Who knows maybe even a few Rares ;)

Anyways Thx again folks and Vendor Sign Up sheet will be up asap ! ---Keenan