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(Player Event) Europa Auction

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 865th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

1A Japanese Maple
2Four Orange Webs
3Eight Pumpkins
4A Skull
5Three Stygian Music Gears
6Hook's Shield - 8m Reserve
7Four Palm Trees - 10m Reserve
8A Soulstone Fragment
9Two Rare Colour Cut Leathers
10"Remains of an Unknown Rogue"
11A Whetstone of Enervation - 5m Reserve
12A Totem
13Three Masks
14A Member of the Royal Britannian Guard Sash
15A Scroll of Valiant Commendation - 12m Reserve
16A Black Moonstone -2m Reserve
17Two Pixie Lanterns
18Two Metal Boxes
19A Jewellery Box
20A Rack
21A Charger of the Fallen
22A Tiger Rug - 3m Reserve
23Minax's Sandals - 30m Reserve
24A +25 Stat Scroll - 12m Reserve
25Balron Bone Armour - 40m Reserve

We hope to see you there!

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry everyone, no auction this week! We have to work late tonight unexpectedly. We'll be back with you on the 18th, and we hope to see you there!

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 866th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

1A Towering Gargish Order Shield of Fortune
2A 16th Anniversary Horse
3An Ancient Samurai Do
4A Tunic of Fire
5A Coffee Set
6Travesty's Collection of Shells
7A Bar Sign
8Two Pedestals
9A Full Virtue Armour Set - 10m Reserve
1010 Display Cases
11A Basket of Herbs - 2m Reserve
12Two Amaryllis Plants
13Hawkwind's Robe - 12m Reserve
14Counterfeit Platinum
15Two Red Glass Windows
16An Archdemon Statuette
17A Royal Taste Tester Statue
18Three Rubble Items
19Five Daemon Blood - 4m Reserve
20An Ostard Snow Sculpture
21A Demon Slayer Juo'Nar's Grimoire
22A Djinni's Ring -
23A Corsair's Insignia - 18m Reserve
24A Full Undertaker's Staff - 40m Reserve
25A Silver Soulstone - 70m Reserve

We hope to see you there!

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 867th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

1A Dragon Turtle Fountain
215 Jack O' Lantern Carving Kits
3A Bonfire
4Three Vet Reward Creatures
5A Banana Horde
6A Gold Marble Fireplace
7Nero Roxxors Age of Shadows
8The Grim Reaper's Scythe
9A Blaze Seahorse Statuette
10A Whispering Rose from Grim
11A Bracelet of Primal Consumption Recipe
1330 Old Tickets
14A Futon
15A Glowing Rune
16A BBQ Melon - 10m Reserve
17A Wilted Peculiar Cypress Tree
18A Ruined Tapestry
19A Rouge Jewellery Set
20A Bleue Jewellery Set
2112 Old Magic Items - 20m Reserve
22A Single Use Soulstone Token
23Admiral Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale
24Minax's Sandals - 20m Reserve
25A Head Slot Transmogrification Potion - 75m Reserve

We hope to see you there!

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 868th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

110 Grass Tiles
2Four Grobu's Fur
3A Small Brick House Mini House Deed
4Six Holiday Fireflies
5Two Rare Hue Parrots
613 Gory Items
7A Polar Bear Rug
8Corgul's Handbook on the Undead
9Five Guild Signs
10Three Lava Tiles and a Lava Rock
11Three Powders of Fortifying
12A Triton
13A Scrappers Compendium
14Two Rubble Rocks
15A Black Skull Tiled Floor
16Three Compassion Pillows
17A Holiday Toy Guard 2013
18A Snow Elemental / Repond Plunderplucker
19A Stone Cache
20Rancid Reindeer Meat
21Three Very Old Muffins - 2m Reserve
22A Scroll of Valiant Commendation
23A +25 Stat Scroll
24A Soulstone Fragment Token
25A Forged Metal of Artifacts - 50m Reserve

We hope to see you there!

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 869th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

1An Easter Basket
2A Bag of 5 Green Lanterns
3A Set of 10 Halloween Items
42 Gargish Knowledge Tokens
5A Claw Foot Tub
6A Lich Painting
7A Set of 4 Small Display Cases
8A Set of 5 Virtue Items
9A Set of 3 Stolen Halloween Decorations
10Moonstone Crystal
11A Folded Stole
12A Dragon Turtle Fountain - 2m reserve
13Enchanted Kelp Woven Leggings
14A Scroll of Valiant Commendation (Replica)
15Soles of Providence - 5m reserve
16A 2023 Holiday Gift Token
17A Shroud of the Condemned
18The Horse Lord
19Shadow Dancer Leggings - 3m reserve
20A 2015 Holiday Gift Token
21A Palm Tree
22A Tiger Rug - 4m reserve
23Pixie Lanterns - 3m reserve
24A Soulstone Fragment Token - 8m reserve
25A Head Slot Transmog Potion & A Sample of Target Hats - 50m reserve

We hope to see you there!
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Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 872nd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

1A Happy 16th Anniversary Horse
2An SDI Spellbook
3A Valentines Day Picnic Basket
4A Stygian Dragon Statuette
6A Sleigh and Two Reindeer
7A Double Exceptional Wooden Box
85989 Shadow Ingots
9398 Blight
10A Bat Slayer Spellbook
11A Bow of Scorpion's Bane
1220 Easter Eggs
13A Tiger Rug
14Four Flowerpots
15Five Statues
16Three Snowballs
17A Full Set of Demonic Lords
18A Mesanna Poinsettia

We hope to see you there!
Last edited:

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 872nd Europa Auction will take place tonight (again!) at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

1A Happy 16th Anniversary Horse
2An SDI Spellbook
3A Valentines Day Picnic Basket
4A Stygian Dragon Statuette
6A Sleigh and Two Reindeer
7A Double Exceptional Wooden Box
85989 Shadow Ingots
9398 Blight
10A Bat Slayer Spellbook
11A Bow of Scorpion's Bane
1220 Easter Eggs
13A Tiger Rug
14Four Flowerpots
15Five Statues
16Three Snowballs
17A Full Set of Demonic Lords
18A Mesanna Poinsettia

We hope to see you there!

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We're back again for another attempt at auction 872! The list of items this week is the same as above and we hope to see you there!

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 873rd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

120 Holiday Fireflies
2Ozymandius' Obi
3"A Suit for Santa's Naughty Elf"
4"A Camping Trip"
5A Talisman of Cow Summoning
614 Candelabra of Souls
7Three Types of Christmas Trees
8Soles of Providence
9An Evil Jester Mask from EM Adris
10Balron Bone Armour

We hope to see you there!

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We're back! We hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year.

The 874th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

1Three Marble Bars
2Five Statues
3A Queen Dawn Forever Robe
4A Sword of the Stampede
5A Staff of Power
6A Legacy of Despair
7Six Marble Bars
8Melissa, Age of Shadows Early Settler Sandals - 2m Reserve
9Old Time Muffins - 2m Reserve
10Five Dye Tubs - 60m Reserve
11A Level III Mysticism Primer
12The Impalers Pick
13Pixie Lanterns
14A Focusing Gem of Virtue Bane
15A Void Crystal of Corrupted Spiritual Essence
16"A Set for a Fortune Teller"
17A Lava Rock Display - 1m Reserve
18An Alchemist Bookcase
19A Valentines Lilly from Europa
20Legendary Detective of the Royal Guard Boots [Replica] (+2 Int)
21A Krampus Star
22Abyssal Hair Dye - 45m Reserve
23A Hooded Robe Bearing the Crest of Blackthorn
24A Moonstone Crystal - 30m Reserve
25An Ethereal Horse - 100m Reserve

We hope to see you there!

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 875th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

1An Embroidered Pillow
2Two Paintings from Khaldun
3Seven Minor Artifact Weapons
4A Fireworks Banner
5Rubble from the Forest
6Two Decorative Ingot Piles
711 Armour Items of the Cult
8A Heart with a Table and Chairs
9A Feed Bag - 10m Reserve
10An Orc Ship - 10m Reserve
11A Planeshield
12A Wedding Candelabra
13A Tiger Cub Statuette
14An RGB Detective Branch Official Credential Necklace
15A Scroll of Valiant Commendation - 15m Reserve
16Two Snow Lamps - 60m Reserve
17A Magical Lighthouse Beacon - 50m Reserve
18A Ritual Totem - 75m Reserve

We hope to see you there!

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 876th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

10 Misc Items
A Black Cat Statue
A Pillow with Garden Furniture
Shadow Dancer Leggings - 8m Reserve
A Holiday Gift Ticket
10 Misc Deed Items
Five Whimsical Butterfiles
Seven Weapons of the Cult
"A Box of Ice and Fire"
A Pendant of the Magi
A Weathered Bronze Archer Statue
16 Grapevines
A Rack
Four Practive Weapons
A Full Happy 6th Anniversary Bag
Two Lava Tiles - 4m Reserve
Two Rare Hue Fluff Trees - 70m Reserve
100 Marble Cloth
Seven Demonic Lords of Dungeons
A Soleil Rouge Set
A Whetstone of Enervation - 15m Reserve
A Ritual Totem - 90m Reserve
A Metal Tub - 8m Reserve
A Chest - 10m Reserve
Hanging Farm Tools - 8m Reserve

We hope to see you there!

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 877th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

1A Cornucopia
2200 Marble Cloth
3A Commodity Box - 90m Reserve
4Minax Sandals - 30m Reserve
5A Novo Bleue Set
6A Rouge Jewellery Set
7A Butcher Block
812 Items of Invisibility - 5m Reserve
9Nine Pillows Recovered from a Shipwreck
10Five King's Collection Items
11Two Lamp Posts
12Two Swans
13An Embroidered Oak Leaf Cloak [Replica] (5 Stealth) - 2m Reserve
14A Soulstone Fragment Token - 8m Reserve
15A Scroll of Valiant Commendation - 15m Reserve
16A Very Old Tree Ornament Jewellery Set - 50m Reserve
17A Ritual Totem - 75m Reserve
18A Trophy or a Disgruntled Anomala Dubia - 70m Reserve

We hope to see you there!

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 878th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

1A Kitten and a Puppy
2Blue and Green Marble Fireplaces
3Two Swans
4Four Eoden Quest Items
5An Angel Gift Box
6A Rouge Jewellery Set - 6m Reserve
7Four Dye Tubs - 25m Reserve
8A Horn of Plenty
9A Black Moonstone
10Three Lava Tiles and Six Rocks
11Four Natural Dyes - 2m Reserve
12A Moonstone Crystal - 25m Reserve
13A Hooded Robe Bearing the Crest of Blackthorn - 28m Reserve
14Three Clockwork Assemblies
15A +25 Stat Scroll - 12m Reserve
16A Spring Bloom that Exhudes the Joy of Flowering - 60m Reserve
17A Enchanted Mirror of the Time Lord - 40m Reserve

We hope to see you there!

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 879th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

1A Stygian Abyss Statuette Token
2Gwenno's Harp
3Two Time Pieces
4A Pair of Trays
5Three Blankets
6"An Egg"
7A Mongbat Dartboard
8A Dragon Turtle Fountain - 2m Reserve
9A Fire Pit - 1m Reserve
10A Sixteenth Anniversary Horse - 2m Reserve
11A Raw Moonstone Deed
12A Map of the Known World
13A Hitching Post - 10m
14Three Undyed Mesanna Masks
15A Scroll of Valiant Commendation - 18m Reserve
16A House Teleporter Vet Reward Set
17A Ritual Totem - 70m Reserve
18A Hooded Britannia Robe - 20m Reserve
19Kaelvok's Cincture - 50m Reserve
20A Lantern of Protection - 50m Reserve
21Lord Morphius' Tabard - 80m Reserve

We hope to see you there!

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 880th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

1A Stuffy Bear
2Stethun's Head on a Pike
3A Set of Three Crafter's Satchels
4A Christmas Dragon and a Dragon Egg
5A Blue Marble Fireplace
6A Brazier (6th Year)
714 Pieces of Lava and Fire
8A Hina Doll Bed
9A Seahorse Statuette
10A Sakkhran Bird of Prey
11An Undertaker's Staff - 10m Reserve
12A Delicate Origami with the Shape of the Feathery Fire Flash - 150m Reserve

We hope to see you there!