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EU elections


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Those of you who know me will know that I am most definitely NOT in favour of politicians, or the pseudo democracy that we are currently suffering. However, in order to change anything, those who feel the same as me need a voice. I don't believe we'll get that with the current party system. After all, is it actually noticable where conservative ends and labour begins? And are the libdems really any different to the other two? I do, however, believe that in the upcoming EU elections, us folks in the UK stand a decent chance of being heard if we vote for independants. There is a group that is helping ordinary folks to stand as independant candidates and my friend Alan is standing. You can find him at http://www.juryteam.org/region.php?select=scotland

Of course, you may not want to vote for him. Or you may want to stand yourself, something that I would encourage. So, you can pick the candidate closest to where you live or what you believe and vote for them or you can take your courage in both hands and stand yourself.

The most important thing here is to elect as many independant candidates as we possibly can. As things stand at present, those elected from political parties are 'whipped' to vote to the party line, instead of to the interests of those who elect them. Independants cannot be whipped and can vote for their constituents. To actually have a true voice, we need those independants elected. So, get busy with your phones, or with your manifestos. And if it's the latter, good luck to you!

Our fellow countries in the EU might want to take notice of the above. I believe that you are being manipulated just as much as we are and that you deserve to have your say just as much as we do. So, vote for your own independant candidates. There isn't, unfortunately, a group like jurygroup anywhere else in the EU that I'm aware of. But you still deserve your say, to have a voice, and I don't believe you'll get it if you vote for anyone other than independants.

Good luck to all the candidates.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Strange that you mention three parties and not the party that is governing your own parliament.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Strange that you mention three parties and not the party that is governing your own parliament.

Whilst I'm all in favour of the SNP, the REAL power isn't here, it's in Westminster and Brussels, along with some of the most corrupt, greedy men and women we've ever seen. If juryteam do this for our national elections, then I'm going to have some thinking to do - my inclination at present is to vote SNP, but I do think the political system in this country is rotten to the bloody core, and in dire need of tossing out in favour of some real democracy, so I could end up voting for an independant. Have to see what happens with that one, and give it some very careful thought. For now though, it's all about the European Parliament elections and taking control away from the corrupted and greedy.