Ethereal Void Imperium Flags
January 1, 2011
By: WildStar & Merik
January 1, 2011
By: WildStar & Merik
The townships of the Ethereal Void Imperium have had flags added to their township banner locations indicting their membership in the Imperium. Designed and constructed by the Dark Lady herself, the citizens from Zedland, Cimmerians Pass, Kijustsu Anei Village, Moria Village, Merxmere and Kijustsu Anei Keys were overjoyed and humbled by this awesome recognition (Way better then the ugly spinning vortex)
Not all townships of the Ethereal Void Imperium have this banner since their township banners construction is on hold but they are just as much part of the Imperium as everyone else.
We once again thank the Dark Lady for everything she has done all around the shard today and hope to see many more great community achievements in 2011 and beyond.