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Ethereal mount

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's already been 3 or 4 times that if I die my ethereal mount disappears. It's still a horse but when I resurrect I can't find it anymore. Is this a bug that I don't know about? It annoys me every time I want to shoot an ethereal mount. It ALWAYS happens if I don't resuscitate immediately and maybe do it the next day. Without the ethereal horse. How come?????


Particularly if you use EC, the etherial mounts have a bad habit of gravitating to the bottom of your back pack. So look at every point of your back pack. They should not disappear. Only way I can think of is if you got dismounted by a foe, the ethy is now in your back pack, and somehow you dropped the ethy of the ground accidentally. I think if you post the exact circumstances you may get better answer. Did your character die at an EM event, Scalis or? Pretty unusual bug..?