I'm having a problem with escorts. I've been taking escorts to various cities and they are simply not paying.
It seems that if they go through the gate first and there is a pause before I go through (due to server slowness maybe) they just don't pay. If I arrive at the same time they do it seems they do.
Does anybody else here do escorts and have had this happen?
It's very irritating since I play alone and like to escort to just travel around and get the gold. Before I left (about 2 years ago) I escorted every day and never had an escort walk off without paying - now it's a very common occurance.
It seems that if they go through the gate first and there is a pause before I go through (due to server slowness maybe) they just don't pay. If I arrive at the same time they do it seems they do.
Does anybody else here do escorts and have had this happen?
It's very irritating since I play alone and like to escort to just travel around and get the gold. Before I left (about 2 years ago) I escorted every day and never had an escort walk off without paying - now it's a very common occurance.