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RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Posting this because you pretend to be decent, and talk a lot in chat.

Chased him from despise spawn, into destard where he kept jumping in and out of the dungeon. He still died....

From now on do like the rest of FATE does when they see me. Just run.


Lord X

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is Ephriam on his archer Mwocchomie dieing 1vs1 after he led me all around northern yew. He made the mistake of getting off his mount and dismounting me. Then 10 mins later he has the nerve to challenge me to a 1vs1 and when I don't show up in 1 min he says I am scared of him. LOL.

Same guy who summons two EVs in the Star room to try to kill me, ends up dieing to me anyway.

Not sure how to post a pic, but hopefully you can see it on the link.




Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi guys!!

Welcome to Lake Superior :)

Yeah, we don't do this here.

Keep it in chat or on a totally different board warrior's forum.

Thank you,

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