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Buying Jewelry EP SSI Perry/ bush/ Resist DCI HCI DI 1/3 3BILL+

Best Friend

Slightly Crazed
Hello all! I am seeking a few nice pieces over my 3 toons. From mages to dexxers.

DI SSI Perry bush resist 1/3 EP HcI DCI
3 BILL Plus!!! ( no sdi needed )

1 less item other then 3fcr 1 - 1.5 bill
2 less items other then 3fcr 500 - 1 bill
3 less items """""""""" 200 - 500 mill.
4 less just can't

Bonus millions/ billions will be given if there's str int Dex mana Stam extra.

This should be a reason to post up And stop hoarding a really sweet jewelry piece that your really not using. Lol we all do it but for the right price its worth getting rid of.

Sample attached doesn't need the sdi rather the di for like 3 bill plus however would still pay that for this jewelry piece


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Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I hope you can find some great items :)

Best Friend

Slightly Crazed
So close to perfect. But no matter how I do the match. I'm still shore ssi abc fc 1. I will keep u posted. If u want to though out a number that would be great thanks!