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eotd boo alliance = kozi backstab?

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Seasoned Veteran
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see the story goes alister is in boo but hes also in kozi so kozi attackes me
and hal. unfortunatly alister is also the drop your weap in kozi who was helping them attack and kill me at yew gate. see if he wasnt helping kozi and helping boo/eotd we would have been able to handle kozi but alas im just stirring the pot wondering what you would do in this situation cancel the alliance with boo and just look out for eotd interests? i swear you guys have to many chars with ot many names cant you just use the same name so we know who you are or is your ego that fragile when you die you need to bring new char chuckles.. i had somehting else funny that i wanted to addbut i forgot what it was hmm wait wait oh well i forgot..

im going to the studios with 3 hot chicks on thurs yay me hope i get some kitty if im a good boy arf
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5_8f0ndKd4 heres a vid of me doing a despise run


Babbling Loonie
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see the story goes alister is in boo but hes also in kozi so kozi attackes me
and hal. unfortunatly alister is also the drop your weap in kozi who was helping them attack and kill me at yew gate. see if he wasnt helping kozi and helping boo/eotd we would have been able to handle kozi but alas im just stirring the pot wondering what you would do in this situation cancel the alliance with boo and just look out for eotd interests? i swear you guys have to many chars with ot many names cant you just use the same name so we know who you are or is your ego that fragile when you die you need to bring new char chuckles.. i had somehting else funny that i wanted to addbut i forgot what it was hmm wait wait oh well i forgot..

im going to the studios with 3 hot chicks on thurs yay me hope i get some kitty if im a good boy arf
YouTube - Beer Slingshot FAIL heres a vid of me doing a despise run

You mean K@Zi or Kazi... not "kozi"

I'll be right back, I need to take an aspirin after reading that.


Silver, you may be accused of many things, but lucidity will never be one them.

Pink Floyd

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I would say that any person in a pvp guild should only be on that guild's side of every confrontation otherwise they aren't really there for you. Same works for alliances.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
UO does not handle multiple characters on the same account with the same name very well, it completely buggers the macros.


I would say that any person in a pvp guild should only be on that guild's side of every confrontation otherwise they aren't really there for you. Same works for alliances.
EOTD is a pvp guild?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Once again, Silverbow made my eyes bleed.
Seriously, dude, you've been totally manipulated by Stewie. He hasn't even been honest with you and Boo is pissed at him for causing drama.
There's a reason why Stewie was kicked out of K@ZI. Because he was dramatic and whined like a little pancake boy. He treated people like dirt and we don't put up with that.
Instead of just siding with Stewie, you should listen to what others have to say too and then make your decision. When the guild leader of Boo tried to talk to Stewie about the incident after he acted like a real guild leader and listened to Alistor's side, Stewie wouldn't even speak because he knew he'd ****ed up.
Stewie = Drama Queen
Silverbow = Drama Queen
You guys are a good pair.


Eotd lasts longer then supr in fights, true story.
If i remember correctly every time we fight kos it goes eather way. However the last 3 months we just ROFLSTOMP the crap out of you.

Also i could say EOTD last longer then KoS in fights, true story....THERE NON FACTION. Now lil bipolar kid turn it up and zoom away.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, you rofl stomp us? I cried a little bit there just of laughter none of sadness don't worry! 3v3/4v4/5v5 for gold if you really wanna prove your theory.
edit: i would add 2v2 but thats just unfair for ANY of you two; doesn't have to be for gold ether we'll do a face-pounding FOR FREE


At least have the grace and/or maturity to keep this in game. What'd Set/our guild ever do to you personally to make you so angry?
1: Im not angry I dont get to play uo enough to care.
2: Reread your statement....Read what your trashy bipolar gm wrote first.
3: You not once but twice back stabbed me. (I find it amazing you had set kicked from SUPR, now that he learned how to turbo fly from ky and use other tools you let him be your gm)

Ok, you rofl stomp us? I cried a little bit there just of laughter none of sadness don't worry! 3v3/4v4/5v5 for gold if you really wanna prove your theory.
edit: i would add 2v2 but thats just unfair for ANY of you two; doesn't have to be for gold ether we'll do a face-pounding FOR FREE
Yes ROFLSTOMP...I dont care to prove anything to anyone. I log on when i get a chance to pvp not do a duel or 2v2 3v3 what ever. Even tho i know Me Asha Twist Epic would do work on you even numbers. Lil boy one day you will grow up and learn that it really dont matter what people think as long as you enjoy yourself.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1: Im not angry I dont get to play uo enough to care.
2: Reread your statement....Read what your trashy bipolar gm wrote first.
3: You not once but twice back stabbed me. (I find it amazing you had set kicked from SUPR, now that he learned how to turbo fly from ky and use other tools you let him be your gm)

Yes ROFLSTOMP...I dont care to prove anything to anyone. I log on when i get a chance to pvp not do a duel or 2v2 3v3 what ever. Even tho i know Me Asha Twist Epic would do work on you even numbers. Lil boy one day you will grow up and learn that it really dont matter what people think as long as you enjoy yourself.
Lawl i keep it in game, you're sitting here personal attacking me over a video game, how cute. i boast over my pvp skills you don't have any so you try to attack someones mental illness (not that i have one) Really wrong dude.
And we would love to fight you asha, twist and epic anytime; like i said for free or for gold I'm down.


This has gone on far enough. PvP discussions are allowed. Personal attacks, cheat accusations, and naming/hinting at those things that should not be named are not allowed.

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