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Enough is Enough, where is the SERVICE?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What I don't get is we actually pay money for a game and expect some type of service. We get none! There will always be somebody that is to lazy to play the game right and have to cheat. (I don't know why its beyond EA to do anything about that) Not too mention the people that get off on the strangest things and then when you call them on it their first answer is come to fel... Going to fel doesn't prove that you were right in fact in makes you look all the more sad because of it. I have through all these years ignored it all, I'm only a player what could I do. I've been fed up with it so many times but now I'm actually considering going to a game that will appreciate the money I pay and do something about people that ruin the game for everyone. Paging a "GM" does nothing but waste your time. They don't respond or you get a generic answer "go to the EA page and see if we have your answer there." Used to be you paged a "GM" you got a response and action. Now all we get is grief. I've been playing around these poor people all this time and its only gotten worse... I've had enough of putting up with their childish behavior. I can only think that EA is happy with their results as they do nothing but encourage this type of behavior by adding events that only promote it. This used to be a good game to play, even in the beginning when you could get whacked in Brit, pre Fel days... I've truly had my fill of this game and when I quit I won't be selling my accounts, I'll delete them so that source of income won't be there for EA to feed off of. So many people have left and they come back to find its worse than before and they leave again. Why I've stayed so long is a testament to my stamina, I am good at ignoring things, but I've had my fill..... If this is truly the way you want a game to be ran I expect you'll be asking the government for a bail out soon.....


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Know what I do? I ignore cheaters and play the game for myself...

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I called a GM today because my Physical resist was at -1 when naked.

No buffs, no debuffs.

Of course, they sent me a web link to the playguide. But after attempting everything suggested there, I paged again.

15 minutes later, my problem was solved by a really courteous GM that was helpful and friendly.

I am impressed with the level of service...and I thank the GM that helped me on Atlantic today.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I feel badly that I didn't record the name, but it was something like Acherney, or Archeny?