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Energy Drakes

In my never ending quest to tame everything, I have no idea how to get the energy drakes to spawn in KOTL city. I've googled and looked through the forums and I'm sure there is something somewhere on how to get them to spawn, but I can't find anything other than an old school event. I've only been playing since February so I'm unfamiliar with the way people got them to spawn before...anyone able to direct me to a walk-through that will start the event so they will spawn and I can tame?



I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
In my never ending quest to tame everything, I have no idea how to get the energy drakes to spawn in KOTL city. I've googled and looked through the forums and I'm sure there is something somewhere on how to get them to spawn, but I can't find anything other than an old school event. I've only been playing since February so I'm unfamiliar with the way people got them to spawn before...anyone able to direct me to a walk-through that will start the event so they will spawn and I can tame?

You do the old school event. Click some switches, go thru the fire fields, go down, put the items in the chests.

Clearly I dont remember exact details. But its the same.


The Enchanter
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The problem is that activating Kotl City seems to be broken. A friend and I can no longer get past the switch activation step. (@Kyronix )


The Enchanter
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Which shard?

Tried several times over last few weeks. Not sure if it was related to Invasion or the upcoming event in Sorcerer's dungeon. Haven't tried it since Invasion ended.


Stratics Veteran
We did it back in late August on Chesapeake and it was working. Have not tried since then though.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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If I recall someone on GLs was trying to start it unsuccessfully.
Thank you all for the posts. I have tamers on ATL and LA. You refer to the old school event...but I wasn't in the game at that time. Having just started in February, I don't know what levers, switches or chests I need to work with. Does anyone know what the event is called or can you direct me to a walkthrough?


General Lee

Stratics Veteran
This is the event Treasures of the Kotl City and if you follow that it should get them to spawn. Don't worry about the rewards bit at the top just go to the bottom and the section called Inside the Kotl City should be what you need. I'm not sure if the chests in section to the left still spawn but thats where I used to get all my power cores, otherwise you'll need to buy them at Moonglow and they are not cheap.