auctioning 249 5.0 pinks
10min rule
all bids must be posted here
no buy out
item on atl
gold on atl
5m minimum bid increment
Current offer: 580m @beezneez
auction ends Sunday the 29th at 9pm central 1-29-17 9:00pm central
here is the list.
1. arms lore 5
2. begging 6
3. camping 10
4. cartography 12
5. forensics 8
6. item id 7
7. taste ID 6
1. anatomy 2
2. archery 1
3. fencing 4
4. Focus 2
5. healing 0
6. mace 4
7. parry 1
8. swords 2
9. tactics 2
10. throwing 9
11. wrestling 1
Trade skills
1. alchemy 3
2. blacksmithing 5
3. fletching 4
4. carpentry 4
5. cooking 8
6. inscription 1
7. lumberjacking 4
8. mining 5
9. tailoring 3
10. tinkering 6
1. bushido 3
2. chivalry 2
3. eval int 3
4. imbuing 1
5. magery 2
6. mediation 4
7. mysticism 0
8. necromancy 1
9. ninjitsu 9
10. resiting spells 2
11. spellweaving 2
12. spirit speak 4
1. animal lore 1
2. animal taming 0
3. fishing 3
4. herding 14
5. tracking 11
6. veterinary 3
1. detecting hidden 2
2. hiding 4
3. lock picking 9
4. poisoning 9
5. remove trap 6
6. snooping 7
7. stealing 1
8. stealth 9
1. discordance 3
2. musicianship 3
4. peacemaking 2
5. provocation 4
10min rule
all bids must be posted here
no buy out
item on atl
gold on atl
5m minimum bid increment
Current offer: 580m @beezneez
auction ends Sunday the 29th at 9pm central 1-29-17 9:00pm central
here is the list.
1. arms lore 5
2. begging 6
3. camping 10
4. cartography 12
5. forensics 8
6. item id 7
7. taste ID 6
1. anatomy 2
2. archery 1
3. fencing 4
4. Focus 2
5. healing 0
6. mace 4
7. parry 1
8. swords 2
9. tactics 2
10. throwing 9
11. wrestling 1
Trade skills
1. alchemy 3
2. blacksmithing 5
3. fletching 4
4. carpentry 4
5. cooking 8
6. inscription 1
7. lumberjacking 4
8. mining 5
9. tailoring 3
10. tinkering 6
1. bushido 3
2. chivalry 2
3. eval int 3
4. imbuing 1
5. magery 2
6. mediation 4
7. mysticism 0
8. necromancy 1
9. ninjitsu 9
10. resiting spells 2
11. spellweaving 2
12. spirit speak 4
1. animal lore 1
2. animal taming 0
3. fishing 3
4. herding 14
5. tracking 11
6. veterinary 3
1. detecting hidden 2
2. hiding 4
3. lock picking 9
4. poisoning 9
5. remove trap 6
6. snooping 7
7. stealing 1
8. stealth 9
1. discordance 3
2. musicianship 3
4. peacemaking 2
5. provocation 4
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