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[Cooking] Enchanted Apples and Bottles


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So when I make enchanted apples it uses one apple and one greater heal potion. Bottle and all! So when you bite into that enchanted apple, think of shards of glass crunching with every one. Where is UO's FDA? Hehe.

Seriously, why do apples use the bottle? Gardening doesn't. Drinking a potion doesn't. I guess that is why these apples are so expensive. If you add on say a 15 gold surcharge for each bottle you use before mark-up, it definitely becomes a cost to pass on to the consumers.

Would love this to be changed ...how bout you?

::Goes back to farming bottles from Ettins.

Lord Drakelord

So when I make enchanted apples it uses one apple and one greater heal potion. Bottle and all! So when you bite into that enchanted apple, think of shards of glass crunching with every one. Where is UO's FDA? Hehe.

Seriously, why do apples use the bottle? Gardening doesn't. Drinking a potion doesn't. I guess that is why these apples are so expensive. If you add on say a 15 gold surcharge for each bottle you use before mark-up, it definitely becomes a cost to pass on to the consumers.

Would love this to be changed ...how bout you?

::Goes back to farming bottles from Ettins.
I asked this very questions months back, why do we use a bottle when we make the enchanted fruits? When ever thing else gives us the bottle back? Never heard an answer about it, but really wish they look into it and do something about losing the bottle on cooking. Seems to me we could have a real problem with glass in the food. ;)


So when I make enchanted apples it uses one apple and one greater heal potion. Bottle and all! So when you bite into that enchanted apple, think of shards of glass crunching with every one. Where is UO's FDA? Hehe.

Seriously, why do apples use the bottle? Gardening doesn't. Drinking a potion doesn't. I guess that is why these apples are so expensive. If you add on say a 15 gold surcharge for each bottle you use before mark-up, it definitely becomes a cost to pass on to the consumers.

Would love this to be changed ...how bout you?

::Goes back to farming bottles from Ettins.
The glassblowers' union backed the tests to determine the safety level of said apples.

In those tests, vats of enchanted apple were fed to rats gathered from Fire Dungeon, and all of the glass shards were strained to one side of the food vat.
Any rats stupid enough to eat from That side of the food vat (and subsequently die from eating glass fragments) were considered "mentally defective" and culled from the test results.

The Britanian FDA was then bribed to ignore both the obviously flawed/unfair testing, and to also ignore that even those rats who Didn't eat the glass-filled side died at a very high rate.

Oh wait, that was how they got Aspertame onto the market.. My bad. :p


How about the bottle reappears upon eating the apple. Then we could charge a deposit like in the olden days of "pop" bottles.

ps. yes I'm an old fart.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Acid proof rope also consumes bottles, 2 of them, full of greater strength.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Acid proof rope also consumes bottles, 2 of them, full of greater strength.
Forgot about them. Probably because they don't sell as well on my vendor.
My bottles are precious...I wish they wouldn't take them for crafting.

Do you think this was as intended or it just was too much hassle to put in the code that returned the bottles?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yes, but that's explained. They're special kegs with a glass lining to prevent the potions corroding the wood.

@ Tully - No idea. They're part of Lady Lu's Mondain's Legacy. Not sure my memory is accurate, but I don't believe she had the amount of uo knowledge as our current team.