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EMs creating Throwing Pies


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I personally don't like the revamped EM program and today's Chessy Luna pie throwing mess is yet another reason. Why can an EM create an item that is like a snowball but anyone can be hit by it and has no time to wait between throws? Even without any negative affect on my character, I don't particularly like being hit with a PIE. If I had one on me then yes I should be a target. So going to luna I can be pied constantly with no way to avoid it seems like a nice tool to annoy the heck out of someone.

Seems he can only make a limited number each day. He told another player who wanted to join in the fun to come back tomorrow and he could make more. Sort of defeats the purpose of having an event if only the first 20 or so people get to play.

Sorry for the rant but I just don't like what I saw tonight.


Babbling Loonie
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Everyone likes PIE. You must be a clown irl and be constantly hit with cream pies this is the only thing that can explain your anger.


Pie throwing will get old fast enough just like throwing snow did. It does sound like fun though.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When you can throw a pie back maybe it will be fun but limiting it to only a few and then having no way to avoid it just makes it stupid and annoying.


Lore Master
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I personally don't like the revamped EM program and today's Chessy Luna pie throwing mess is yet another reason. Why can an EM create an item that is like a snowball but anyone can be hit by it and has no time to wait between throws? Even without any negative affect on my character, I don't particularly like being hit with a PIE. If I had one on me then yes I should be a target. So going to luna I can be pied constantly with no way to avoid it seems like a nice tool to annoy the heck out of someone.

Seems he can only make a limited number each day. He told another player who wanted to join in the fun to come back tomorrow and he could make more. Sort of defeats the purpose of having an event if only the first 20 or so people get to play.

Sorry for the rant but I just don't like what I saw tonight.
Grow up.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Grow Up".

That was actually my comment to the EM. To you I just say.. well I won't say that since it will get me banned... instead I'll say ... go pie yourself

Stupid Miner

I personally don't like the revamped EM program and today's Chessy Luna pie throwing mess is yet another reason. Why can an EM create an item that is like a snowball but anyone can be hit by it and has no time to wait between throws? Even without any negative affect on my character, I don't particularly like being hit with a PIE. If I had one on me then yes I should be a target. So going to luna I can be pied constantly with no way to avoid it seems like a nice tool to annoy the heck out of someone.

Seems he can only make a limited number each day. He told another player who wanted to join in the fun to come back tomorrow and he could make more. Sort of defeats the purpose of having an event if only the first 20 or so people get to play.

Sorry for the rant but I just don't like what I saw tonight.
Really? AWESOME. I happen to have posted that exact same pie throwing idea in the Ideas den... ~5 years ago.

Hehe, i'm jealous of your EM now :D


Sound like the rant of someone who wanted a pie and didn't get one :( poor lil guy!


Don't flame the OP, he's clearly very young (6-9 range am guessing).


Grand Poobah
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The only reason I would complain about the "throwing pies" is because the EM didn't bring them to my shard!


So thats what it was. I was getting PIE owned like Bill Gates on flash in Luna today. I dont feel annoyed but I did have a strong urge being able to throw one back but I couldnt... :bored:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, the jokes about the name of this that were going on in Vent last night! :D


Prince Caspian


Is that all it takes to ruin your night? Some dumb text at the bottom of the screen saying you were pied?

It's a silly event that means nothing and doesn't affect your character in the least.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Is that all it takes to ruin your night? Some dumb text at the bottom of the screen saying you were pied?

It's a silly event that means nothing and doesn't affect your character in the least.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
*you see kelmo menacingly wielding a pie*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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The only reason I would complain about the "throwing pies" is because the EM didn't bring them to my shard!
What shard are you on? have an extra one I can bring over and sell as an uber rare for like 500 million gold. lol :)

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I figured it would not be long before a complaint would hit UHALL over the Cream pie EM Dudley made. It is a bit annoying... to bad it didnt have a timer on it hehe. I got creamed about 50 times in a row. All I did was

*Licks face*
Yumm Cream
*Opens mouth*
More, more, more

It is just an event. Now that it is on UHALL i'm sure three things might happen.

1. They wont do the event and 20 cream pies will be for sale for 20,000,00
2. People will now come to the event to get one and re-sell it
3. They will just run the event because I cant wait to "CREAM" a Pvper.

Its a funny event. I have been WAITING to throw a pie at someone. I hope they make Cherry pie this time....much more messy.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*you see kelmo menacingly wielding a pie*
*kelmo has given you a cream pie in the face*

*for your valor in taking the cream pie, you have been awarded with a special item*

*an item has been placed in your backpack*

*you have worn out your tool*

-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In fairness to the original poster, this would greatly annoy me.

In fairness to everyone else, no way in Hell would I waste a post complaining about it.

Sorry, Parser. When someone as grim and humorless as I disagrees with you this much? 'Fraid you've probably crossed a line.

It's ok, though, I've crossed it many-a-time and will continue to cross it on occasion.

-Galen's player

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Honestly they are just that much fun. I couldn't believe how many people have WAITED to throw a pie in Ultima Online. It was like better then EA Christmas hehe.

I honestly want a Cherry Pie. Request CHERRY PIE! CHERRY PIE!!!

:danceb: :danceb: :danceb: :danceb: :danceb: :danceb: :danceb: :danceb:

I even took my pie into battle!!!!



So... if someone throws a pie at me while I'm using a flute, I could be a pied piper?


Patty Pickaxe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To the OP- :violin:

Next time I get attacked'm going to throw pie at my attacker and hope it distracts him/her while I run away!! :p