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[EM] So long Lake Superior….


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Posted to the EM news site;

That time comes for everything, been around too long and you have to take your leave.
Your friendly local neighborhood green robes, both of ‘em, are leaving for good.

We would like to hold a meet and greet, to make some good parting memories.

Please meet at the EM hall Britain,
At 6PM Central time / 7PM Eastern Time
On Thursday December 8th 2011.

Bring a drink, and be ready for a little fun! We want it to be the best!
Fireworks will be launched,
Cake will be had!
And a hopefully a grand and marry time for everyone.

The EM site itself is here.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: So long Lake Superior….

I'm glad you posted this.

Aname and Auto, will you two be coming back as players or will you be leaving altogether?