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EM RP Session - Leaf, Branch & Trunk


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

A traveler has been drawn to the lands. But who is he, and what does he seek?

Travel to the old tree of life in Ilshenar to learn more.

Heya All!

These are a few short RP sessions that will lead in to an EM event happening this Sunday 18th.

RP sessions are not really full blown events. They are just little chances to interact with the characters involved in the larger scale story events. They offer no rewards and we don't really use our powers much at all in them. We do talk an awful lot in them however, and sometimes visit places related to the main story. I guess they offer a chance to see a bit of background, and get to know the characters a little better. Very good for those who like to get right in to the plot. Might be a bit of a yawn for many though, so you have been warned! :D

Watch for that main Sunday event announcement coming soon!

-EM Tailspin


Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After a very cautious trip to the tree the brave travelers discovered the following words inscribed on the lantern .....

However, we wonder ... which time zone does the lantern reflect in its light and what part of Zento are we to assemble? :)

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A World of Memories...

While waiting at Zento bank for 'The Traveler' to arrive EM Tailspin popped by to say hello and confirmed that all 'events' would be 'Pacific Time Zone'.

Tobby the Traveler turned out to be a wandering TREE who was very tired from his long walk when he arrived. He asked if we knew of an Inn nearby so we could rest and chat a while ... we led him to the Saki Saka Tavern/Inn and while we refreshed ourselves with sushi and spirits he explained that he was rooted in the search for World memories. He asked if we know of such things as this on our place called 'Sonoma'?

We explained that yes we have many memories and would be willing to show him a few locations ...

The Reward Hall was the first stop to see if this was the type of memories that would help him in his quest ...

but found he was in search of more non citizen created memories ... hmmmm ... maybe this mysterious crystal in Brit Castle ... but whoa he really had an odd reaction to the crystal and quickly asked us to take him elsewhere ... this was not a good place for him ...

we took him to the beautiful memorial area of our former Seers next to the Counselor Hall in Brit, and although lovely it was not the kind of memories he is searching for ... (sorry no snap shot)

something that is non living and walks, or could be seen as an object by many ... hmmmm ... so it was suggested the Zoo area has non living and many memories ...

More questions about the type of memories that are held and how he does feel someone is 'watching' him so we need to be careful in our persuits to assist him... He then began to yawn and asked for some time to rejuvenate his weary bark...

so we escorted him inside the Royal Zoo where he could find safe refuge and rest before heading out once more to gather details needed in his search ... he fell asleep talking to the beautiful changeling ...

His last words were to watch the lantern at the living tree to let us know when he would be able to visit us with more details of his discoveries ... Several folks took off for the tree and found a new message for all Sonoma citizens ...

*Thank you Ansastu for the picture of the living tree lantern.

More developments will be discussed on Friday, July 16th at 6pm Pacific (7pm MT * 8pm CT * 9pm ET) at the Royal Zoo in Moonglow (T) hope to see you there :)