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[EM / RP News] The Machine of Discord: Searching for a Good Mechanic


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Searching for a Good Mechanic

Earlier this week, Dupre the Paladin called upon Britannians to search for Krett, the mechanic and technomancer responsible for the Controller Machine in Castle Britannia.

After a vigorous search, we discovered the man holed up in the Lighthouse north of Papua. Hoping to continue his research in seclusion, he never suspected Exodus would be searching for him. Exodus Minion Lords, Technomancers, Controllers and other automatons were marching across the sands northward when we arrived, prepared to capture the erstwhile tinker and drag him back to their Machine Lord.

We managed to rescue him, in spite of the overwhelming odds, and escort him back to Britain. There he requested parts to help him build ...something that might provide us a leading edge against the Technomancers and their mechanical servants.

Dupre and his rat have issued a Call to Arms. Tomorrow, Britannians are called to aid the Commanding General of the True Britannians in an assault upon the Dark Core.